Al-Sadr’s call for his allies to “dissolve parliament” .. a new crisis and fears of a losing move
Al-Sadr’s call for his allies to “dissolve parliament” .. a new crisis and fears of a losing move
Explicitly and clearly, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, recently refused the return of his resigned representatives to the Iraqi parliament, while he threw the ball into the court of his allies from the “Sovereignty” coalition and the Kurdistan Democratic Party to take up the issue of dissolving parliament, which raises questions about the possibility of holding a parliamentary session after a visit The forty, as well as the mechanisms that Al-Sadr’s opponents will use from the coordination framework in dealing with the crisis.
The “Coordination Framework” talks about understandings with deputies from the Sunni and Kurdish parties
Yesterday, a confidant of Sadr, Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, said that the final opinion on the issue of the Sadrist bloc’s return to the House of Representatives “is absolutely and absolutely forbidden and under any pretext, as the corrupt reject a government that is neither Eastern nor Western with a national majority, and we reject a consensual government. outright refusal.”
He considered that “the dissolution of Parliament is possible without the return of the Sadrist bloc, especially with the presence of its allies in the House of Representatives and some independents, who have so far been on the hill,” calling on allies and independents to take a “courageous stance that ends the entire crisis.”
Al-Iraqi added: “The solution at that time will not be current, but rather the dissolution of parliament will be national, Sunni, Shiite, Kurdish and independent, so that the president and prime minister remain at the head of a caretaker government and to oversee early elections, or with the help of others, Iraqis or internationals,” adding: “Therefore, there is no There is a reason to resort to the current or the framework in solving the problem, for the keys are with those who have the solution and the contract, not with the politicized judiciary, nor with the fearful courts, nor with the withdrawing Sadrist bloc.”
Early elections without Al-Kazemi
There is a “categorical rejection” within the parties to the “coordinating framework” regarding the continuation of the current Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s duties, and from here, according to the leader in the framework, Ayed Al-Hilali, “preparing for new elections cannot be present.”
Al-Hilali says to “Ultra Iraq”, that:
“Conducting new elections can be worked on only if there is a new government and an amendment to the election law, and this means the need for Parliament to return to its work in order to change the commission and provide the necessary financial allocations and assign a new person to head an interim government,” noting that “the current government has many negative points and doubts.” She is strong about her interference with the results of the recent elections, which makes her lack of confidence.”
What al-Sadr called for in his last demands, al-Hilali believes that “some of them can be accepted, such as elections, but some are difficult to accept, and there must be guarantees for everyone that contain reassurances that the experience of distrust of the Commission’s preparations and the method of counting and sorting results will not be repeated.”
Al-Hilali pointed out that “talking about the resignation of Kurdish and Sunni deputies from parliament is a far cry, and it is not possible for there to be understandings for the coordinating framework with part of the two components.”
“Ultra Iraq” learned from the leader in the coordinating framework, Aid al-Hilali, that the coordinating framework intends to hold a new parliament session after the fortieth visitation holiday, as well as “the completion of the work of preparing the council halls after what they were exposed to during the sit-ins.”
Al-Hilali speculates that “during the sessions, the nomination of the prime minister who will attend the elections will be discussed, in addition to resolving the issue of the presidency, because it will cost the candidate of the largest bloc, as the completion of these benefits will clearly support a map of the future political process.”
Sadr’s allies fear a losing move
“Ultra Iraq” contacted the Kurdistan Democratic Party, to find out the possibility of responding to al-Sadr’s call, and actually learned that “Party and Sovereignty” are currently discussing the issue of “losing parliament’s legitimacy.”
The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafa Muhammad, said, “The statement transmitted by the Minister of Sadr, in which he called on the Democrat and the sovereign to withdraw so that Parliament loses its legitimacy, a new and strong step,” noting that “the Democrats and the Sovereign are already studying this matter well, because in the event of their withdrawal, the number of parliamentarians who withdrew did not reach Parliament to 165, Parliament will not lose its legitimacy, and it will be a losing step.”
The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party fears that the Parliament’s failure to lose its legitimacy by withdrawing his party and the Sovereignty Alliance will make the coordinating framework reap their seats in the bench, as it won the Sadrists’ seats.
In his interview with Ultra Iraq, Wafa Muhammad believes that the reasons he mentioned call for ascertaining and studying the withdrawal step called for by al-Sadr, while stressing that “the democratic position on holding a parliamentary session to form a government or pass a president is clear not to participate and the alliance of sovereignty has the same position. “.
He pointed out that “the presence of the democratic and sovereign for any session is contingent upon the framework providing guarantees and an agreement that preserves the rights of their components that they announced earlier.”
The crisis will get worse
The representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Sabah Habib, stresses the need for a political agreement between what he called the “Shiite component” to calm the situation and resolve the problems that occurred “regarding the progress of the political process and meeting the declared demands of the Sadrist movement.”
Habib told Ultra Iraq, “The National Union Party supports the rerun of the elections, and it was one of the first to call for distrust of the results of the recent elections, but this step should not be taken unless the appropriate conditions exist and not in the presence of dictates and the imposition of wills.”
And between the coordination framework and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan understandings about the consultations, according to Habib, who shows that they “participate in the national dialogue sessions to mature political proposals and draw an action plan for the coming period. That “the framework and the union always stress the need to return to Parliament’s work to discuss the political crisis between the people’s representatives so that the picture is more clear, as well as to proceed with the legislation of laws and the completion of constitutional entitlements in the event that the Sadrist movement continues to leave the political work within the parliament.”
Parties in the coordination framework saw that the response of al-Sadr’s allies to his call to dissolve parliament would complicate the political crisis further
Habib pointed out that “the political movement continues to hold the parliament session after several days in the event that there is an agreement between the concerned parties,” noting that “Al-Sadr’s call for his partners in the tripartite alliance to withdraw from parliament in the event of its implementation, which is not easy, will make the crisis much more difficult than it is today, So no one expects that to happen.”