Al-Sadr threatens: If the session does not take place this week, there will be a million demonstration and sit-ins

Al-Sadr threatens: If the session does not take place this week, there will be a million demonstration and sit-ins

2/22/2020 13:16

Al-Sadr threatens - If the session does not take place this week there will be a million demonstration and sit-ins[Baghdad-Ain]
Today, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called for a million demonstration in the event that the government of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi is not voted on this week.
Al Sadr said in a tweet on his account on “Twitter”, “We, as a member of the oppressed Iraqi people … look forward to holding a parliament session to vote on a ministerial cabinet that is not quota-making, and that its first task is to set the date and provide an atmosphere for early and fair elections in accordance with the aspirations of the people, prosecute the corrupt, kill peaceful demonstrators and protect Peaceful revolutionaries, as well as work on the sovereignty of Iraq. ”

“And if the session did not take place during this week, or if it was held and no fair Iraqi cabin was voted on, or if the cabin is not with the aspirations of the authority and the people, this calls for a popular millions demonstration without regional addresses, and then it turns into sit-ins around the green zone to press for access to Save Iraq from the corrupt, sectarian and ethnic, with the help of God Almighty.