Al-Sadr Alliance may drop Abdul-Mahdi from power !!

Al-Sadr Alliance may drop Abdul-Mahdi from power !!

Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 10:45 am

Al-Sadr Alliance may drop Abdul-Mahdi from powerBaghdad / Sky Press

The formation of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Council is a step that includes a lot of risks that threaten the survival of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi in his post, said the deputy of the Riyadh-Masoudi Alliance.
Masoudi said in a statement that “the government must provide guarantees for the integrity of the work of the Anti-Corruption Council, not to make it a tool in the hands of the Prime Minister to confront opponents or gain,” noting that “the new Council will face the whales of corruption, although this process has a lot of The dangers that threaten the survival of the prime minister in power, as it will target files not people, especially that there is a bill in parliament to recover stolen money. ”

He explained that “the Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 ensures the face of corruption and control, and today there are corruption files in the integrity of nearly 13 thousand files related to armaments and rounds of licenses and electricity and border crossings, but those files are still installed,” stressing that “the formation of the Council does not need To the parliamentary vote, being a special council of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and the parliament supports the Prime Minister in the formation of this Council. ”

“The Supreme Council for Combating Corruption does not differ from the Integrity Commission, but it is found for a political purpose, which makes the prime minister a real test (is it a political council or a professional tool to fight corruption?