Al-Saadi: Iraq has exceeded expectations of victory over terrorism and does not need any American forces

Al-Saadi: Iraq has exceeded expectations of victory over terrorism and does not need any American forces


Al-Saadi - Iraq has exceeded expectations of victory over terrorism and does not need any American forcesInformation / Baghdad…
The Secretary-General of the Jihad and Construction Movement, Jawad Rahim Al-Saadi, affirmed that Iraq, with its security services and popular mobilization, exceeded American expectations, which confirmed the country’s need for 30 years to eradicate terrorism.

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, “Iraq has a security system that is considered one of the strongest systems in the region after the experiences and battles waged by the security services and the popular crowd that emerged with the fatwa of the religious authority, as well as distinguished intelligence agencies, and therefore Iraq does not need any American combat forces at all.” his lands.”

He added, “There is a party that seeks to pass its plans aimed at destabilizing Iraq and inflaming the people against the government, as this party works towards creating and promoting crises.”

And he indicated that “the security services were able to thwart the plan aimed at destroying Iraq through the terrorist ISIS, as they were able to eliminate it in a period of three years, i.e. 10 percent of what was expected and planned by the American side, which confirmed at the time that Iraq needs 30 years to get rid of ISIS terrorism.” “.