Al-Nasr explains the fact that Abadi left Iraq

Al-Nasr explains the fact that Abadi left Iraq

2019/1/5 8:27

Al-Nasr explains the fact that Abadi left Iraq(Baghdad: Al-Furat News) The victory coalition issued a statement on the news of the departure of his boss Haider Abadi Iraq.
“We would like to inform the public opinion that all the rumors in the media about the departure of Dr. Haider al-Abadi from Iraq or leaving the beloved capital of Baghdad are a disgrace,” said a statement by the media office of Al-Nasr. And is part of a cheap political competition practiced by irresponsible parties. It is similar to the false campaign that is widespread in the occupation of a number of state properties, although everyone knows that Abbadi and during his rule did not exceed or employ the potential of the state in his favor. “He said.

“We call for high political values, and we stress that the politicians’ missions are to serve their people and their countries, to serve them and to fulfill their mission,” he said.

The statement stressed that “Abadi will not abandon his national duties, which has assumed responsibility since acceptance of the mandate, and is in the continuation of the project of the victory coalition as an Iraqi national project is intended to complete the march of victories and achievements during the past four years vigorously and steadfastness of the people and his forces and his good sister.”