Al-Kazemi’s reforms paper includes … Parliament on the 2021 budget: It will be a difficult year for Iraqis

Al-Kazemi’s reforms paper includes … Parliament on the 2021 budget: It will be a difficult year for Iraqis

Wednesday 16 September 2020 | 09:17 am

Al-Kazemis reforms paper includes ... Parliament on the 2021 budget - It will be a difficult year for IraqisNext week, the House of Representatives will hold a session on the 2021 budget law, and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will present the “reforms paper” that he promised, as part of next year’s budget law. Member of Parliament Jamal Cougar said, “The beginning of the real reforms will be with the 2021 budget, and this means that the prime minister wants parliament to vote on it as a mandate through the staircase of reform clauses in the 2021 budget law.” He added, “The prime minister informed Parliament to send a draft of the government reform paper that he promised at the end of this month, followed by another paper in the middle of next month, provided that the implementation of these reforms will be postponed until the beginning of next year.” Returning to the 2021 budget, Cougar explained, that it is “austerity and it will be a very difficult year for Iraqis if oil prices remain low in light of the Corona pandemic, so it will be very tired and has a large deficit and many debts,” noting that “the government is under severe pressure from the parties and the street as well as the situation.” Difficult economic. ” On the 2020 budget, a member of the House of Representatives explained, “The cabinet will finish it at the end of this week and it is assumed that there will be a parliament session next week regarding it.”