Al-Kazemi’s changes: a test of authority and a threat to quotas

Al-Kazemi’s changes: a test of authority and a threat to quotas

7/3/2020 16:20

Al-Kazemis changes - a test of authority and a threat to quotas[Baghdad_ Wayne]
Today, Iraq lives in a state of political conflict in the face of a number of major changes in the structure of the state and leadership positions after the depletion of the cow’s udder depletion due to corruption and waste in public money that led to an increase in the poverty index to an unprecedented level with an empty treasury.
Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is conducting a package of changes that affected high and sensitive positions in the state despite the disclosure of a plan to assassinate him, considering that he is a living martyr, while he made it clear that his government “will not extend for more than a year and a half and will hand over responsibility to whoever wins the elections and that he did not assume the presidency of the government to be The owner of a political project. ”
A source close to the circle surrounding Al-Kazemi revealed that he would continue his campaign to make major changes in dozens of senior positions despite the risks involved in this step.
Al-Kazemi made changes to the positions of the General Retirement Authority and the Sunni and Shi’a Endowments.
Al-Kazemi also made a change in military positions, including the selection of Lieutenant-General Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah, as Chief of Staff of the Army, to succeed Lieutenant General Othman Al-Ghanmi, whom he chose as Minister of the Interior, appointing General Abdul-Amir Al-Shammari as Commander of Joint Operations, and assigning Major General Muhammadi as Commander of the Land Forces, and General Ali Al-Araji, Secretary General The Ministry of Defense, in addition to appointing Brigadier Yahya Rasul, a spokesman for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, to succeed General Abdul Karim Khalaf, while he issued a decision to return Lieutenant General Abdul Wahab Al-Saadi to service and promote him as head of the counter-terrorism agency.
Al-Kazemi’s procedures for change also included structuring his presidential office and the advisers ’team as part of the change campaign. Judge Raed Jouhi chose to run his office, while the journalist Ahmed Mullah Talal was appointed as a spokesman and Kadhim al-Sahlani took over as a consultant for provincial affairs, and named [Yassin al-Bakri] an official spokesman for the media office for the presidency of the Council. The ministers.
Representatives and observers in the Iraqi political affairs had different opinions from the campaign of changes that Al-Kazemi made between supporters and fears of the lack of proper selection of the appropriate personalities for these positions and falling into the same buzz as previous governments, according to Representative Alia Nassif.
Nassif says that “the defect in the administrative apparatus of the state is evident 17 years ago, as well as what the House of Representatives did according to Article 10 of the Budget Law, which includes re-filtering the administrative apparatus in the state that was not on sound foundations. To be isolated from the quota of parties and to be in the upper class [the ministers].
”But it turned out that these parties do not achieve their economies except by diving into the sensitive centers that relate to the human structure of the Iraqi state represented by the administrative apparatus; Therefore, I find the process of reassessing the institution of the administrative apparatus and leadership positions very important, especially in the period of the business designation government. ”
Nassif emphasized that“ Al-Kazemi’s changes are in the right direction, provided that the choice improves. Without good selection, we will fall into the same application as the previous governments ”, calling him to“ agree with The political blocs keep the administrative apparatus out of the reach of political parties and forces so that Iraq is like the rest of the countries in terms of elections, ministerial change, the presidency of the republic and the highest positions, whereas the human infrastructure remains the same, therefore we work in a compass system. ”
For his part, the KDP stressed the need for change, And it “has become an urgent necessity to change the country’s situation.
According to his deputy, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, “Al-Kazemi is expected to find different opinions between supporter and opponent. Each party or bloc, if it appeals to these changes, looks at it in another perspective, and if it does not like it, it will be seen with a different perspective.”
She pointed out, “We, as deputies, always criticize the performance of the government. If changes do not take place, what will the situation of the country be?” Certainly, the change is very necessary, especially during this period and it has become an urgent necessity. “Noting that” when the Prime Minister takes a specific action and is criticized by political blocs from his point of view that it is Cripple his hand. ”
Al-Dulaimi noted, “We, as a bloc representing the Democratic Party, gave al-Kazemi a hand when we voted for it and authorized it to run the government, provided that he provides something within a year and in the event of failure to run the state, surely there are clear legal and constitutional contexts that we can work on.”
She pointed out that “Al-Kazemi assumed his position two months ago and the procedures he is working on have not seen its results on the ground yet. If the results of these changes are in the interest of the country, there is no harm in it. Corruption has been rampant in the state for 17 years. Personally, I see these changes that they will be in the interest of the country. Is it possible for retirees to keep crying and complaining about the injustice of retirement? And can it remain the same context as advisors ?, Frankly, they overthrew successive governments because of their wrongful consultations. ”
The representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party concluded her speech by saying, “The contexts in which Al-Kazemi works are correct and we are looking for its results on the ground. If it comes positive, we will be drawn to his arm, and if it is counterproductive, he will be held accountable.”
Observers saw that the package of changes approved by Al-Kazemi did not mean targeting a certain party as others claim, but rather came with measures that he pledged to abide by, and that he had no choice but to start the fight against corruption.
Where the political analyst, Hamza Mustafa, explained that “the circumstances that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi came to power are different from the rest of the prime ministers, whether from the side of the blocs to which they belong and support them or the conditions that Iraq was economically living in. It is true that there were challenges in the presence of ISIS and the terrorist Al Qaeda accepted it, but on the financial side, things were stable and controlled.
He said, “Now Al-Kazemi faces real challenges, therefore, when he wants to make a change, this does not mean that he is targeting a certain party because in the end he is required to undertake pledge measures that lie in facing financial, economic and health challenges in addition to providing a safe environment for the elections.”
Mustafa explained that “the reforms he undertakes must be supported, not to be seen as targeting this or that party, because the country’s circumstances no longer tolerate more political auctions.”
But political analyst Najm Al-Kassab believed that Al-Kazemi had no choice but to start the battle against corruption, which would be known. He says that “the Iraqi people and the honest and patriotic forces want the prime minister to carry out this campaign, otherwise Iraq is going to the abyss.”
Al-Gassab explained that “Iraq is unable to provide funds and salaries to employees, for the first time since the establishment of the Iraqi state in 1921, and the government today is embarrassed before its people and employees because there is no cash, and this is due to two reasons: the first is corruption, and the other is dependence on the export of oil.”
He pointed out that “the political forces and elites who ruled the country over the past period did not think about finding economic alternatives in the event of oil prices dropping, and today Al-Kazemi is trying to obtain financial resources other than oil resources