Al-Kanani: The withdrawal of Americans from Iraq requires two things
Al-Kanani: The withdrawal of Americans from Iraq requires two things
Information / Special..
Strategic expert Adnan Al-Kanani confirmed on Thursday that the American side has absolutely no intention of withdrawing from Iraq, and everything that is being proposed through statements and negotiations is merely formal and a means of throwing dust in the eyes, pointing out that their withdrawal from Iraq requires two things.
Al-Kanani said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The American side has confirmed again and clearly through the Pentagon’s statement about its meeting with the Iraqi delegation in Washington recently that it has no intention of withdrawing from Iraq and that everything that is being put forward through the statements of their officials and the negotiations is merely formal and throwing dust in the eyes,” indicating that “the negotiating military delegation did not address setting a time frame for withdrawal and the negotiations were merely an estimate.”
He added, “A serious American withdrawal requires two things: the first is serious political pressure on the American side, so that there is unity of position between the political forces and blocs. The second thing, and I believe it is the best option, is an increase in targeting operations by the resistance on American bases and interests inside Iraq. This is an important element to make them think seriously about sitting at the negotiating table, as happened previously.”
The US Secretary of Defense issued a statement following his talks with the military delegation in Washington on July 22-23, in which he indicated that the two delegations discussed the continuing urgent need to return the displaced and detained persons currently in northeastern Syria to their countries of origin and support their reintegration.