Al-Fateh Alliance: The New Government Will Only Emerge From The Consensus Of The Current And The Framework

Al-Fateh Alliance: The New Government Will Only Emerge From The Consensus Of The Current And The Framework


Al-Fateh Alliance - The New Government Will Only Emerge From The Consensus Of The Current And The FrameworkEarth News/ The Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed, today, Saturday, that the new government will only emerge from the consensus of the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework, while indicating the continuation of dialogues to end the political blockage.

A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Mahmoud Al-Hayani, said in an interview with Earth News, “There are ongoing dialogues and are still continuing by the coordination framework with other political forces in the Triple Alliance and political forces from independents and others.”

Al-Hayani called on everyone to “go to form the government and end the political blockage and political closure that is taking place today in the process of electing the president of the republic after the failure of the tripartite alliance,” expecting that “dialogues will take place by the Sovereignty and Democratic Alliance with the framework to go to form the government with the Sadrist movement or go to dialogue with all The political forces and invited them all to negotiate to form a government if they are able, and this is a democratic and legal position.”

And he indicated that “the Sadrist movement by giving it a deadline of forty days, and although it is not legal to bypass the constitutional terms, but it gave the political forces the opportunity to go and negotiate to form a government,” stressing that “we will witness a breakthrough in the situation between the political forces and the election of a president and, later, the election of a prime minister.”

Al-Hayani stressed that “the coordinating framework is Egypt that the government comes out by the current and the framework as a prime minister who receives the merit of a component, as well as the Democratic Party may reach an agreement with the National Union to choose a president of the republic.”

It is noteworthy that the coordination framework continues its talks and negotiations with the various political forces in order to end the political blockage in preparation for the formation of the new government.