Al-Bayati identifies the reasons for fear of the Peshmerga possessing American weapons

Al-Bayati identifies the reasons for fear of the Peshmerga possessing American weapons


Al-Bayati identifies the reasons for fear of the Peshmerga possessing American weaponsInformation/Baghdad…
Former MP Mohammed Mahdi Al-Bayati explained, on Tuesday, the reasons behind the fear of the Peshmerga possessing American weapons, represented by the cannons that Washington delivered to the aforementioned forces.

Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, “The concerns lie in arming the Peshmerga affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party directly and not through the federal government.”

He added, “These weapons may be used internally or resorted to in settling scores between brothers in the same house, especially since there is a deep problem between the Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union, and the presence of weapons in the hands of the Peshmerga raises fears of their incorrect use.”

He said, “Kirkuk, Nineveh and other areas outside the region are secured by the army and the Popular Mobilization Forces, and there are no fears that the Peshmerga will use the new American weapons against the government or the security services in the two provinces.”