Air Force: the use of laser-guided bombs in Mosul and the end of the battle soon
Air Force: the use of laser-guided bombs in Mosul and the end of the battle soon
Posted, 2017/4/14 20:00
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} Lieutenant General Anwar Hamad Amin commander of the Air Force announced on Thursday, for the use of laser-guided bombs to hit targets in Mosul.
Amin said the team, in a press interview that ” the bombs used by the Iraqi air force in Mosul , laser – guided, and when used to make sure the nature of the target of the Daesh , ” explaining that “this information comes from the intelligence community.”
He added that ” the fighting inside the cities is not easy and sometimes terrorists from moving house to house, so you can not use air force bombs unusual not directed otherwise errors will occur.”
And setting goals, said the commander of the Air Force, said that “it is through coordination between the Iraqi security forces and the international coalition,” you “can not carry out any air strike by Iraqi forces or coalition without the passage of a series of measures , including the target and aerial photographs analysis and then choose right weapon according to the size of the target. ”
He stressed that “most of the information about those goals come from the Iraqi side now , ” denying that “the cost of coalition raids paid by the Iraqi side.”
He explained that ” the battle of the right coast of Mosul , close to the end”, without specifying a date to be resolved, stressing that the primary is to save the lives of civilians there.
With regard to the Iraqi strike , which targeted Daesh in the Syrian territories recently, explaining that ” the strike was directed against three goals, two goals inside Iraq and the third in Syria.”
” The decision was made days of observation target inside Syria after the cooperation with the international coalition, and carried out the strike, which was one hundred percent accurate, after obtaining approval from the Iraqi military command, which in turn coordinated with the Syrian side” .anthy