After The Fraud Was Proven .. Can The Federal Court Cancel The Election Results?

After The Fraud Was Proven .. Can The Federal Court Cancel The Election Results?

12/15/2021 | 5:02 PM

After The Fraud Was Proven .. Can The Federal Court Cancel The Election Resultsinformation / special

The independent candidate, Saad Al-Mutalibi, confirmed, on Wednesday, that “the Federal Court will not cancel the results and will ratify them as a reality that has taken place and cannot be reversed.”

Al-Mutalibi said, in a statement to the “Information” agency, that “the Iraqi constitution grants the judiciary and the Federal Court the honor to take decisive measures in sensitive times, and the process of canceling the results constitutionally and legislatively has the right to do so.”

He added, “We doubt the possibility of canceling the results by a judicial decision, due to the presence of some considerations, in addition to that it will not repeat the elections again,” noting that “the court will only issue symbolic and nominal penalties to the commission’s employees.”

He pointed out that “the postponement process took place due to the Commission’s request for evidence proving the integrity of the results, and on the basis of that, the call was postponed to the 22nd of this month.”

The forces objecting to the results are awaiting on December 22 the decision of the Federal Court regarding the appeals submitted in the election results and suggestions that the judiciary will be satisfied with issuing penalties and bans against the Commission’s employees and the company supervising the safety of biometric devices.