After the decision meeting, Mulla Talal: We are looking forward to the vote on the borrowing law next Thursday
After the decision meeting, Mulla Talal: We are looking forward to the vote on the borrowing law next Thursday
9/11/2020 15:15
The spokesman for the Prime Minister, Ahmed Mulla Talal, revealed, on Monday, the details of the meeting of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the Parliamentary Finance Committee, while expressing his aspiration to vote on the borrowing law next Thursday.
Mulla Talal said, in a tweet on the “Twitter” platform, that “a positive atmosphere dominated by a sense of shared responsibility prevailed in the meeting of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi with the president and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee.”
He added, “The employee’s sustenance and the need to secure it quickly was a common concern,” expressing his aspiration to vote on the law covering the fiscal deficit next Thursday to start launching the employees’ salaries.