After the anger of the vice president .. Maliki mobilizes “an army electronically” against Al-Abbadi

After the anger of the vice president .. Maliki mobilizes “an army electronically” against Al-Abbadi

September 28, 2014, 9:39

After the anger of the vice president - Maliki mobilizes an army electronically against Al-AbbadiBAGHDAD – ((eighth day))

According to what is being traded in various Iraqi media, as well as leaks here or there, the differences within the coalition of state law, and even within the narrow circle of it, represented the Dawa party, began to widen significantly.

According to information circulating, the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki does not seem satisfied with the position of vice president, which gave him a matter of satisfaction, as some believe, or provide him immunity against legal prosecution, just as others think.

Summed up the political source (l (eighth day)) the nature of the dispute between al-Maliki, on the one hand, and the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the other hand, as “Pat centered on several important issues, notably the insistence of al-Maliki and the parties supporting him inside a coalition of state law on the nomination of Hadi al-Ameri leader Organization (BRP), which has 22 deputies in the State of Law Coalition for the post of interior minister, while Abadi still refuses ».

The source believes that at the time has become the decisions Abadi, which carry many of the attributes of rebellion against the leader of the Dawa Party in the state of law together, Nuri al-Maliki, stems, which is enjoyed by Abadi of American support unrivaled, there is another dimension to the continuing refusal of Abadi to take Ameri The Ministry of the Interior, is the withdrawal of the Badr Organization, a coalition of state law, this means the loss of 22 seats, which loses Maliki many formats maneuver, after it emerged from the block “independents” led by Hussein al-Shahristani, who received the bag of Higher Education of the top leader of the Dawa Party Ali al-Adeeb, who is still suffering from losing bag of Tourism and Antiquities, which will impact on the State of Law coalition and the Dawa Party, too. ”

The official source goes on to say that al-Maliki strongly opposed the decision to stop the bombing of cities Abadi, and when I got massacre Saqlawiyah, counted as a result of erroneous decisions behind him, which led to an altercation between them get ahead Abadi travel to New York »

The source adds: While Maliki said Ebadi The decisions to halt the bombing of cities is the reason for what happened, the Abadi told his predecessor that his decisions over the past years that have brought the country to what it is today ».

However, the story did not end at this point, According to the official source «seemed Abadi harassing third-party political, and military arms of her loyal to the owners, so that they were asked to prepare financial disclosure statements, as well as the weapons that they have received». But things did not stop at this point. The parties in favor of the owners are of the view that al-Abadi probably be knocked out completely from the house of obedience Shiite, including the position of Iran, Valebadi who welcomed much international support, seemed to welcome Iranian support is limited, as it did not take a position by the refusal of America’s Iran’s accession to the international coalition against al «Daash».

Faced with this situation, there are only the war against al-Abadi, the first attack, which is exposed on the Internet, which is described as «Army letter» was founded in the late reign of al-Maliki for his defense first, and secondly the face of his opponents. Add to this the «army» demonstrations that are being prepared for the start of the 30th of this month. The first «proofs» These demonstrations began yesterday in the city of Basra, under the pretext of lack of Neil conservative oil-rich maturity of the cabinet reshuffle. The demonstrators raised slogans calling for turning to Basra federal region. But some leaders of the demonstrators denied that a coalition of state law behind these demonstrations. It seems that the war against al-Abadi subject of disagreement within the coalition of state law; Valenaúbh Huda Carpets saw in a statement yesterday that «there are points of support money to organize demonstrations against Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi», adding that «these calls launched in social networking sites, which calls foisted intended drop the Shiite government in Iraq, and not as a person drop Abadi ».

She stressed that «Abadi announced his program of government, and voted by the House of Representatives, but there is a question of working on in the work of Abadi and his program for creating chaos in the country to achieve a foreign agenda».

While waiting for the Iraqi public demonstrations on 30 of this month against al-Abadi, the latter does not seem to be in Ward attention. Finally Vagraouath affected what was seen as a den of al-Maliki, a Office of the Adjutant General of the Armed Forces, which repealed, which means dispersing dozens of senior officers who had befriend some of them al-Maliki, the transport to the sites of less importance or retirement. While there does not seem full satisfaction by Sunnis and Kurds on the procedures Abadi, but they are asking themselves today as his greatest supporter. (AA)