After coming out of Chapter VII. 82 billion dollars from Central Bank
After coming out of Chapter VII. 82 billion dollars from Central Bank
Baghdad/JD/… Estimated funds which will be at the disposal of the Central Bank of Iraq after exit from Chapter 7 about $ 82 billion, amid warnings of Iraq’s creditors who are thirsty for such funds.
Member of Parliament MP Habib Terminal/JD/Agency: the size of the Iraqi funds to the Central Bank after the departure of Iraq from Chapter VII is estimated at $ 82 billion, which would provide cover for the dinar and contributes to the Uploader of the economic situation.
And between the parties: the State measured as of today has become a fully sovereign Iraq and welaihdd international peace and security and should benefit as much as possible of this positive step.
He said Iraqi diplomacy succeeded in improving Iraq’s relationship with the region and with the world functions and return to the course to play.
Terminal problem, warned Iraq’s creditors who are thirsty for such funds, thus: but Iraq is to protect the United States.
The United States pledged under former US President George Bush to protect Iraq’s funds abroad, estimated at about 50 billion dollars, and that’s what preventing Iraq’s creditors claim over the past years due to the development of Iraq under the tutelage of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
And US President Barack Obama agreed to extend the protection of funds and Iraqi funds in the United States for an additional year.
And transfer of Foreign Ministry statement on 11 June: Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari met with us State Department Advisor Brett magharik, and discussed the Iraqi-American relations, the Syrian crisis and the political and security situation in the country. “
And received the Foreign Minister, according to the statement, the letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United States John Kerry, “u.s. President Barack Obama agreed to extend the special protection of funds and Iraqi funds in the United States for an additional year one”, the Minister said “the President’s decision to extend protection for an additional year is a symbol of our partnership in the context of the strategic framework agreement.