After Basra .. Maliki in Baghdad receives a second blow and losing the second largest electoral strongholds

After Basra .. Maliki in Baghdad receives a second blow and losing the second largest electoral strongholds

Saturday, June 15, 2013 15:09

After Basra .. Maliki in Baghdad receives a second blow and losing the second largest electoral strongholds[Baghdad – where]

Report … received Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his coalition, which fought the local elections on 20 April last year under the name of a coalition of state law, the second blow by the alliance, which was announced by the blocs of the citizen and the Liberals.

After the loss of Maliki’s coalition in the province of Basra, which went their portfolios for the coalition of citizens, led by the President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, who was the weight that gave the owners the difference in the previous parliamentary elections lost Maliki and his coalition today the province of Baghdad and this time the Liberal bloc led by Muqtada al-Sadr.

Al-Maliki and his coalition lost a few days ago as the governor of Basra for the candidate of a coalition of citizen Majed Nasraoui, where a coalition of state law was fully controlled Basra where their portfolios and chairman of the preservation of a coalition of state law and only in this session under the chairmanship of the Council.

And lost the day-Maliki largest constituency in Iraq, which Baghdad in which 58 members of the provincial council and more than 60 deputies, lost for the Liberal block where he was elected today Ali al-Tamimi for Sadrist governor of Baghdad, while elected Riad العضاض list of united headed by Osama Najafi for the presidency of the Council did not receive State law in any office in Baghdad.

The state law was fully controlled by the province of Baghdad as the governor, Salah Abdul Razzaq for the Dawa Party, which is led by al-Maliki as well as provincial council chairman Kamel al-Zaidi, who belongs to the state of law Dawa Iraq Organization, led by Khodair al Vice President of the Republic.

Maliki was entered coalition broad texture most of the forces that compete in these areas which the Islamic Dawa Party headed by al-Maliki and the Dawa Party organization of Iraq headed by Alkhozai and independents headed by Hussein al-Shahristani, Khalid al-Attiyah and the Badr Organization headed by Hadi al-Amiri and block virtue of Sheikh Mohammed al-Yacoubi in addition to many other blocs.

The income of the Supreme Islamic Council and the Sadrists, all of them with a list individually, but they have achieved the results described by observers of the scene political Palmtmizh.

Political analysts saw that the reason for the failure of the rule of law to maintain their positions due to the first two reasons is poor administration conservatives Alsabakaan and the second failure of the negotiating team with the rest of the blocks persuading others to map positions and work for the next period.

He MP for the coalition of state law, Salman al-Moussawi, not optimistic the process of forming the provincial councils that take place during these days, adding that “Everyone is trying to get the positions of sovereign and Home did not Itagier thing, because the faces of the former that have not submitted anything to the citizen, grappling today for positions. ”

He said al-Moussawi told all of Iraq [where] today, “I am not optimistic for the formation of the provincial councils because they are the blocks first and last is the positions and interests of the country and its citizens come at the second level, and this is not true,” adding that “the conflict in Baghdad on sovereign positions incorrect , where the same faces that have not submitted anything in the last period are jostling for these positions. ”

“I am from a coalition of state law, but nevertheless is optimistic about what is happening from the conflict, especially the blocks to look as councils cake to be divided”.

MP for the Liberal coalition, Riad Ziadi, close breakthrough ongoing political crisis in the country, and through what we are seeing in the new alliances to form local governments.

He said Ziadi told all of Iraq [where], “The Iraqi scene painful because of political differences that came from the same external and internal, and bears the results of ordinary citizens,” noting that “if there is a sincere intention and a clear vision of the brothers the politicians to resolve all differences, Vsihakq Another Iraqi scene and completely different than نلمسه the day. ”

He pointed out that “there are signs and breakthroughs in some of the things in the current phase, including the return of the brothers in the Kurdistan Alliance and تقاربهم with the National Alliance, as well as the convergence of state law with Iraq, was done during a meeting of the symbolic that brought Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi . ”

He added that “there are open new between blocs of the Liberals and the citizen, in addition to the alliance the Iraqi List, with the Liberals and the citizen in a single list for the formation of the Council of Baghdad, therefore, these scenes today is Rsaúh short for the Iraqi people that there are no districts and red lines between the political forces, but there alliances, and we hope to produce governments and leaders loyal to the Iraqi people. ”

The new councils being formed by agreement between the winning blocs and the formation of coalitions to ensure that the majority of distributed, including key positions, which the governor and provincial council chairman and deputies.

The coalition of citizen’s SIIC and Liberal of the Sadrist movement, have agreed to form a coalition between them to unify the visions for the management of local governments in the councils of the new provinces, while decoding a coalition of citizen’s alliance with the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to incompatibilities between the coalitions on positions leadership in the provincial councils, and stuck a coalition of state law.

The Commission has announced Saturday [May 4 last year] that “the number of seats in the province of Baghdad [58] seats won by the coalition of state law ranked first by winning [20] seats, followed by the mass [united] ranked second by obtaining seven seats solving coalition citizen ranked third place with six seats, and the Liberal coalition came fourth prize winning five seats, followed by the United Iraqi National Alliance winning three seats. ”

He said the “number of seats quota for minorities are four seats and seats reserved for women 15 seats.”

The total seats in the Iraqi capital Baghdad in the provincial elections in 2009 amounted to 57 seats, topped the list of coalition of state law, the results of the distribution of the seats in the provincial council, having won on 28 seats, and the Accordance Front [7 seats, current Liberal Independent [5 Seats] and the Iraqi List [5 seats and gathered the Iraqi project [4 seats and martyr Mehrab 3 seats and the Reform Movement 3 seats and Christians [one seat] Sabean Mandaean one seat]. “ended