After Abadi .. Maliki “threatens” Barzani’s delegation to “military intervention”!

After Abadi .. Maliki “threatens” Barzani’s delegation to “military intervention”!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 14:20 pm

After Abadi - Maliki threatens Barzanis delegation to military interventionBaghdad / Sky Press:

Denied the leadership of the Islamic Dawa Party, Salah Abdul Razzaq, Wednesday, published by Agence newspaper on the need for Baghdad “to the military solutions, the imposition of the Kurdistan region referendum in the disputed areas.”

“The issue of the referendum is unconstitutional, and if we need it, the constitution must be changed,” Abdul Razzaq said in an interview with Sky Press. “The visit of the Kurdish delegation to the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, saw the subject of the referendum and its importance. Suffering from the region. ”

“The answer of a coalition of state law to the Kurdish delegation was clear not to oppose the referendum if allowed by the Constitution, and must amend the Constitution before the referendum by a constitutional committee.”

Abdul-Razzaq said that “the Kurdish delegation is asked to meet Maliki, not as the most common,” explaining that “Maliki told the delegation to resort to the federal government in the absence of giving Baghdad constitutional rights.”

“A coalition of state law informed the Kurdish negotiating team that the central government may have to resort to military solutions in the disputed areas to prevent violation of the constitution and the law in the event of an attempt to impose,” Abdul Razzaq said. The de facto situation of the Kurdish side in those areas. ”

He added that “the Kurds will face the isolation and marginalization of regional and international in the event of a referendum.”

The Kurdistan region, sent last week, a political delegation to Baghdad, to discuss with officials, on the referendum on independence, scheduled for the 25 of this month.