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Advertisement Barzani end of Article 140 is not the endTeeming with media and research institutes views and analyzes and studies about the future of the Middle East since the rise of the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant (Daash).

After the invasion of militants Daash large areas of western and northern Iraq departing from the provinces of Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa in eastern Syria, started speculation, analysts and researchers focused on changing the map of the Middle East, and the redrawing of borders in place for nearly 100 years, pointing to the demise of the border between Iraq and Syria, the fall of the crossings border.

And accounted for the Sykes-Picot agreement a substantial portion of this speculation, as intended by talking about this agreement, which is officially called the “Convention on the Asia Minor” secret deal reached by the British Foreign Minister Mark Sykes and his French counterpart Francois Georges-Picot, sharing the Middle East between the British and French empires after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War.

The convention was held in May 1916. Tsarist Russia was a minor partner in the Sykes-Picot agreement, which expose the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

And resulted in the defeat of the Ottoman Empire as the establishment of states under the French mandate, such as Syria, under the British Mandate, such as Iraq under the Convention of Sevres in 1920. On the basis of these two agreements between the victorious empires painted borders of the two countries.

The agreement Sever stipulates the establishment of a Kurdish state, too, but the internal and external factors deprived the Kurdish people of his state, and Worse, the colonial powers that divided the Arabs to the states under the British Mandate proceeded to divide the Kurdish people the same between the four countries has been under the Systems competing for the persecution of the people Kurdish.

The discovery of oil in Kirkuk and the decision of Britain and France, the denunciation of the Sevres and replaced by the Lausanne Convention and the rise of Turkey Attaturkeh, are all factors that have contributed to keep the Kurdish people divided.

Since then, Kirkuk has been a central goal in the struggle of the Kurdish national movement for the right of self-determination and the establishment of an independent Kurdish state on all parts of Kurdistan.

In anticipation of achieving this goal Kirkuk has seen continuous attempts made by successive governments to change the composition of population peaked Arabization campaigns and the displacement of Kurds, Turkmen population of the region during the reign of the Baathist regime.

After changing the system itself the American invasion in 2003, the Kurds found an opportunity to address the status of Kirkuk, including restores rights to their owners. The outcome of the efforts of the Kurds in this area on Article 140 of the constitution which stipulates that the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk to remove the effects of the changing composition of the population in the campaigns of the displacement of Kurds and Turkmen on the one hand and the localization of the other side, and then conduct a census down to the organization of a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories the other to determine the will of its citizens.

It is interesting that the Constitution, which declares everyone’s commitment PROCEDURE select a maximum period of thirty atheist day of the month of December 2007 for the implementation of these steps.

After seven years and countless rounds of negotiations between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the formation of a special committee chaired by the Minister for the implementation of Article 140 has been the issue of Kirkuk and other disputed territories without a solution to the lack of implementation of the steps outlined in the article.

This situation continued until the tenth of June with the fall of Mosul, Tikrit and large areas Daash However, the withdrawal of the army from Kirkuk and other disputed areas and enter the peshmerga forces.

In this new situation and the new Iraq, as described by the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, declared that Article 140 has become the rule completed.

The head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, in a joint news conference with British Foreign Secretary William Hague in Arbil that the Kurds endured ten years waiting for the implementation of Article 140 of the vain.

Radio Free Iraq met with a member of the Kurdistan Alliance Mahmh Khalil, who confirmed welcome all the components affected by the non-implementation of Article 140 to enter the peshmerga forces and Barzani, the president’s speech, accusing the government of dragging all these years, prompting the provincial government to implement the article itself.

But a member of a coalition of state law on Alfalh criticized the speech region’s president, Massoud Barzani, said he had spoken to others as if they were guests on the Kurds in Kirkuk, and denied that the position of the Kurds in implementation of the Constitution, but that Barzani deal with the Constitution selectively and in a manner to impose a fait accompli, as he put it.

And the position of al-Maliki announced Alfalh Barzani said that the government based its position on the Constitution, calling what he called Barzani allies such as House Speaker outgoing Osama Najafi to determine their position.

A member of the coalition in Iraq Qais Cdhir his part, considered that what the president of the Kurdistan region is not the end of it, or to impose a fait accompli, but reflect the reality of the case, after entering the peshmerga sites that withdrew from the military as the presence of government troops and federal police before that did not mean resolving the status of Kirkuk and the end of Article 140.

He Cdhir the hope that the new government steps provided for in Article 140, including the census.

Ihsan al-Shammari, a political analyst believed that the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, announcing the end of Article 140 put himself above the Constitution and above the Federal Court, and said the Kurdish side actually tries to work the policy of fait accompli.

And went political analyst Ihsan al-Shammari said the statement in a speech Barzani is tantamount to a coup against the constitution, calling for Kurdish forces the other to take a clear position on this, and warned that the agreement of the parties other Kurdish with Barzani refers to an intention to establish a Kurdish state would not allow her powers regional neighbors.

Legal expert Tareq Harb noted that the demand of the Kurds, who insist they are the same throughout the past years, the implementation of Article 140 is no longer made sense after that I took her by the hand the task of the provincial government implemented unilaterally, without regard for the Constitution.

The war that the Kurdistan Regional Government put her hand on the disputed areas exceeded the steps outlined in the Constitution to settle the status of these areas normalization and census and referendum to determine the desire of the population and whether they want to join the Kurdistan region or stay out of the province.

But political analyst Kurdish Gautier just confirmed that the Kurdistan Regional Government is not against the steps provided for in Article 140, in particular the referendum, which pointed to the possibility of conduct such dialogue and British Foreign Secretary William Hague during his visit to Arbil on Friday.

The analyst added that Gautier just the presence of Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas is linked to the progress achieved by the Federal Government forces against militants Daash.

Political writer Adnan Hussein pointed out that the presence of Peshmerga forces in Kirkuk, does not mean the application of Article 140, which reviewed the steps of normalization re than was Astjlabhm them with compensation or Tejeaarham stay and the return of displaced Kurds and Turkmen then conduct a census and a referendum of the population to join the region or stay outside Kirkuk province or declaring him a special status, also calls for one of the proposed solutions.

He expressed political writer Adnan Hussein agreed with the view that the Declaration Barzani is not the end and that could be the application of Article 140 and amicably if formed a new government does not have its head in response to al-Maliki’s demand of the Kurds.

It was Massoud Barzani visited Kirkuk Thursday (June 26) met with representatives of the Arab component among other politicians, declaring that he himself would carry arms if necessary to defend its people and Kirkuk Arabs, Turkmen and Kurds.