Abdul Mahdi announced his visit to Saudi Arabia Wednesday, Germany and France before the month of Ramadan {expanded}

Abdul Mahdi announced his visit to Saudi Arabia Wednesday, Germany and France before the month of Ramadan {expanded}

2019/4/17 0:19

Abdul Mahdi announced his visit to Saudi Arabia Wednesday - Germany and France before the month of Ramadan(Baghdad: Al-Furat News) Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi announced that he will visit Saudi Arabia on Wednesday.
“We will have a visit on Wednesday to Saudi Arabia and an important delegation. There are several projects and memorandums of understanding we are discussing with the Kingdom, as well as a large number of businessmen accompanying the delegation,” Abdul Mahdi said at the weekly press conference. And important investment. ”
“Our visit to Saudi Arabia will be like previous visits to Egypt and the Islamic Republic of Iran, which are important visits to show how Iraq works with its surroundings and the Arab and Islamic world,” he said. “Iraq wants to be a great meeting point.”
“The Arar border crossing with Saudi Arabia has become closer to use and will be an important and important outlet,” he said.
He pointed out that “efforts are continuing to confront the floods and abundant water that came from the neighboring countries, and the work continued and participated by all institutions and departments and the armed forces and popular mobilization and Peshmerga, in addition to popular mobilization and wide, thank God we have been able to control the water excellent efforts and nothing has been so big yet” .
“Our water reserves have increased to more than 41 billion cubic meters of water. This is very good and Iraq is benefiting for the coming years, and we expect other water to come because of the melting of snow,” he said. “We issue a daily report on the status of water and floods in all the stations and rivers in Iraq. The truth is that the report is the same because of the many rumors and the intimidation of people. ”
“We have sent government delegations to all provinces to find out the measures taken to deal with the floods and follow them signed site, in addition to the protection of oil wells, there is a decline in water levels.”
“In our meetings with the Anti-Corruption Council and the Council of Ministers, we focused on settling salaries for economic, regulatory and administrative reasons, as well as corruption,” he said.
“We received a large number of international envoys to Iraq, including the Russian envoy, we discussed the oil and gas field, we also received the Korean president’s advisor, and we discussed the field of manufacturing and electronic government because South Korea is very advanced in this field. We received the British Minister of State for International Trade, British businessmen to invest in Iraq, and we also received a delegation from the US Senate. ”
“We received the news of the fire that hit the historical cathedral of Notre Dame and sent a cable to the French president. We will have a visit to France and Germany before the holy month of Ramadan,” he said.
“We have sent an invitation to the Pope to visit Iraq and visit Ur and the house of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in solidarity with all Iraqi factions. We need a clear and strategic vision to deal with and classify the land in all cities of Iraq,” he said.
“We are in front of a major shift in relations with Saudi Arabia. Relations are now going well. Our visit to Saudi Arabia will be excellent in light of the arrangements and coordination delegation that has come to Iraq and the memorandums of understanding to be signed by the two sides. Issues between the two countries. ”
“There are constitutional provisions regarding the establishment of regions, and if something is to be established, it must be for the benefit and not for a particular interest, and it is up to the people of Basra, and there is a discussion of the issue by the political blocs, and this is a right for them to have other views.”
“We do not deny that there are many shortcomings in the ration card items, and we hope to receive the quantities to the full citizen during the month of Ramadan, and the citizen should receive the full ration, and we have provided ways to achieve this.”
“We do not know where they came from by 20 percent, or any other percentage, about the control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard over Iraq’s economy, how do you calculate this ratio?” Iraq has relations with the state of Iran and advanced trade exchange, } This is something else. “Done
