Abadi: We set a date for the liberation of Tal Afar and the referendum of the region illegal [expanded]
Abadi: We set a date for the liberation of Tal Afar and the referendum of the region illegal [expanded]
Posted, 2017/7/26 20:32
Prime Minister Haider Abadi, announced the date for the process of liberating the district of Tal Afar, west of Mosul gangs of terror.
“We have set a plan for the liberation of Tal Afar and a date has been set for launching the process, and as we promised previously to liberate the territories, we will achieve this new liberation,” Abadi said at his weekly press conference.
He stressed that “the humanitarian aspect is important and the security forces dealt with it was humane and dignified and hit the finest examples in protecting the civilians and helping the displaced people and protecting them and we are proud of them and we are proud and this is what we want.”
“The victory has been achieved through reforms and reforms. It was not surprising, but it was achieved by reorganizing the forces and making the fighter fighting for the homeland, not for a person or a party,” he said.
“There is a war of rumors and intimidation of organized crime and some of them want to market sectarianism again and blow with a perforated punch,” he said. “There are frenzied media campaigns and some crimes are criminal for private disputes.
Abadi said that “the organized crime has been forgiven for the merchants of wars and 80% of the crimes are not organized as usual of disputes and personal differences, some of which did not occur at all but there is intimidation by the parties of sadness of the liberation of Mosul,” warning “citizens of mixing papers and what is incorrect from the intimidation of crimes Kidnapping and murder and we arrested gangs of crime in Baghdad. ”
On the announcement of the Turkish Foreign Ministry that the exports of its oil from Iraq, the majority of the rights of the province of Kirkuk through the Kurdistan region, said Abadi, “More than half of this oil exported to Turkey is from Kirkuk and this is unacceptable because it is Iraqi oil and was seized two thirds of the Kirkuk wells after the entry of Daqsh and issued them Across the region and there is agreement and no constitutional dispute that the old wells in Kirkuk run by the federal government. ”
“I do not have a political electoral list and so far I have not responded to the elections and I have not yet decided, and every one of my friends has asked. I told them that I have not yet intended to do so and we have a duty now to complete the liberation of the territories,” Abadi said. Iraq and I will not think about the elections before that. ”
He pointed out that “the return of the displaced is essential and not return means the success of Daash to spread the division between the sons of the components of the Iraqi people and we are working on the return of the displaced and we have a program in their return in the cliff victory and unfortunately there are wrong actions on this side.”
On the referendum of the Kurdistan region for independence from Kurdistan, scheduled for September 25, Abadi said he was “unconstitutional and legitimate.”
“We respect the aspirations of the Iraqi people and the Kurds, but we live in one homeland and we are governed by a constitution and there is no paragraph referendum for separation so we deal with the referendum of the region as unconstitutional and illegitimate and will not deal with it and there is a crisis of fact and differences in Kurdistan, and invited the parties to the region to restore institutions, How will the referendum and who is the authority that will take place if the provincial parliament and ministries are disabled in the Kurdistan government? “.
He warned Abadi “to walk in the direction of the referendum because it will affect everyone in Iraq and as some thought that a supporter will not be a threat to some, but the result was the opposite,” noting “to achieve good cooperation between the Iraqi army and Peshmerga and want to resolve outstanding issues,” calling for ” Government and at the grass-roots level across the political blocs represented by him. ”
“We are in a single country and no party can take a single step that decides the future of the country and most of the Kurdistan politicians are not in a hurry to vote.”
He pointed out that “those arrested from foreigners with a da’ash will be dealt with according to Iraqi law and we await judicial proceedings and those who committed a crime to kill Iraqis are not excluded from the law.”