Abadi warns of attacks .. and Holland: weeks to eliminate Daesh and end in Mosul [Extended]

Abadi warns of attacks .. and Holland: weeks to eliminate Daesh and end in Mosul [Extended]

01/02/2017 13:23

Abadi warns of attacks and Holland - weeks to eliminate Daesh and end in Mosul[Oan- Baghdad]
Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, warned of possible attacks carried out by terrorist gangs Daesh because Hzaihma sequence in the province of Nineveh, while French President Francois Hollande confirmed the near elimination of Daesh.
He called al – Abadi told a joint news conference with Hollande, “citizens and security forces to caution because Daesh will try to sow discord among Iraqis by terrorist operations.”
He stressed that ” the international coalition has no combat troops on the ground , and its role is limited to assigning Iraqi forces and all the rumors otherwise a lie.”
Abbadi said “we are facing a global terrorist organization , intelligence and cooperation with France and other countries is necessary to eliminate the criminal plans.”
He continued , “we cooperate with friendly countries to provide intelligence about the presence of terrorists in their own countries.”
For his part , Holland said: We are no longer talking about years, but weeks to edit the connector, eliminating the Daesh in Iraq , “he said . ” Daesh back down in Iraq and we will see its end soon in Mosul. ”
And” we agreed with the Iraqi leadership to be fighters on the ground of Iraqis exclusively . ”
he said the French president, said that” Daesh back down in front of the Iraqi forces, we will see an end soon in Mosul “to Ava that his country” supports military forces in the liberation of Mosul and providing ways to protect civilians in the areas of operations. ”
He explained that” my visit to Baghdad is an expression of solidarity France and supporting actor for the process of Mosul , “expressed” France ‘s solidarity with the Iraqi people in the war on terrorism and I congratulate the Iraqi victories Mosul. ”
He pointed Hollande said” France will participate fully functional in the reconstruction process after the liberation of Mosul. ”
