Abadi receives “American assurances” to postpone Kurdistan referendum

Abadi receives “American assurances” to postpone Kurdistan referendum

Sunday, July 30 2017 at 09:49 AM

Abadi receives American assurances to postpone Kurdistan referendumBaghdad / Sky Press: m

The United States is exerting pressure on Massoud Barzani, head of Iraq’s Kurdistan region, to postpone the date of the expected referendum in September to another date, the daily Al-Arab newspaper reported on Sunday, fearing that it would trigger the fragile alliances being set up by the administration of President Donald Trump in the region surrounding the Kurds.

The newspaper quoted in a report, seen by “Sky Press”, a source from the circle surrounding Prime Minister Haider Abadi said that “the latter got assurances from the US pressure on Barzani to postpone the date for fear of distracting attention to the war on the urging, and push the various parties in the region to Focus on the battles to expand influence instead of defeating the hardline organization. ”

“A senior Iraqi Kurdish official sought to dispel fears that the referendum on the independence of the Kurdistan region of Iraq would damage the battles against Dahesh after the State Department said the planned vote would distract attention from more important priorities such as the defeat of Da’ash.”

“The September 25 referendum could turn into a regional crisis and will likely put pressure on the federal unity of Iraq and Syria, Turkey and Iran, as the three countries are home to a large number of Kurds,” she said.
