Abadi Office: Government continues to search for sources of funding to provide financial cover
Abadi Office: Government continues to search for sources of funding to provide financial cover
2016/1/15 15:15
[Baghdad – where]
Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed that the government continues to search for sources of funding out of the economic crisis, including internal and external borrowing and taxation and activating the customs tariff and sell bonds internal and international subscription and implementation of projects on credit.
A spokesman for the Office Saad al-Hadithi told all of Iraq [where], “The government has drawn up plans in the budget of 2016 approved by the Parliament is to search for sources of financing be helping and assisting the oil sources,” noting that “the adoption of the budget on oil sources this stage is no longer useful .
“He noted that” the government has a different economic policies in this regard, including recourse to external borrowing and the internal activation of the tax sector through the imposition of taxes on the sales of certain goods that are included in the budget, as well as activation of customs tariffs on imported goods and commodities.
“said Sabri said “There are other options carried out by the Iraqi government by offering bonds or internal subscription or even sell international bonds and the implementation of some projects payment system on credit according to certain ratios do not conflict with Iraq’s economic future.”
He pointed out that “these are all options considered by the government and there are efforts exerted in relations with the countries of the world and with the international financial organizations as a fund cash and the World Bank, we hope to provide financial cover, which ensures the continuation of salaries of state employees and retirees, stressing that “this large slide much interested in ensuring the continuation of the monthly entry and not be affected despite the economic situation is difficult and unprecedented, who pass government by the country.
“The cell government crisis headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, confirmed yesterday evening, that the Amsas salaried employees and retirees.
A statement by the Office of al-Abadi, said the” crisis cell held a meeting during which they emphasized the need to take a package of measures to address the financial situation in light of the Great Depression in global oil prices, which reached its lowest level in twelve years, and consequent upon the lack of state revenues.
“” It was confirmed not to touch the salaries and incomes of employees and retirees and covered by a network of social protection and employees of the self-financing companies.
“He drew Abadi, according to the statement” insurance amount suitable Khawwalat treasury of the central bank as well as discuss measures to activate the non-oil revenues, and utilize what is stated in the general budget for 2016 on obtaining the wages and services in the ministries and local governments Bmayazz funding allocations and to ensure completion of the work, activities and Pmaaovr adequate services, and promote sobriety national banks and moving procedures activated the private sector, especially after the adoption of mechanisms of lending for projects of industrial, agricultural and housing sector.
“The supreme religious authority has stated in the words of its representative in Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai during Friday prayers today,” everyone knows that Iraq is experiencing financial and economic conditions difficult as a result of the continued decline in oil prices that financial his income constitutes most of its imports to balance private employees’ salaries and can not be this stage difficult overrun with minimal losses, but the togetherness of everyone, cooperation and follow well thought out scientific plans put their experience and competence away from the improvised decisions that can be a serious social upheavals occur and threaten the basic components of living citizen .anthy