Abadi: not responsible those who use the formal qualities after the abolition of office
He said in the owners .. Abadi: not responsible those who use the formal qualities after the abolition of office
Posted 25/12/2015 01:30 PM
Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said the government is not responsible those who use the formal qualities after the cancellation of their office said.
He said FBI spokesman Saad al-Hadithi, in remarks to the agencies and local media, “as a government, all of canceled his office or his removal from office was the government official capacity.” He stressed that “this is settled legally, the government Valtosif accorded to him was based on the assigned position . If canceled position or is exempt from it may legally carry the official description, which he had with him previously. “He added that” persons who hold titles or state characterization is their work is incorrect and contrary to the law, “adding that” the government is not responsible those who claim to “carry characterization the official government “, as long as he legally has the recipe government characterization whatever that person.” It is noteworthy that, the leader of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki, is still used his official capacity in the country, “Vice-President” before his inclusion in the decision Cancel positions contained within reforms launched by the government in 11 of last August.