Abadi confirms the eligibility of the fighters to raise the banner of victory

Abadi confirms the eligibility of the fighters to raise the banner of victory and commends the invitation of reference for achieving peaceful coexistence {expanded}

2017/6/30 17:10

Abadi confirms the eligibility of the fighters to raise the banner of victory{Baghdad} Euphrates News said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Friday, the eligibility of the fighters to raise the banner of victory over Daesh gangs, against the backdrop of what indicated to him supreme religious authority during his Friday sermon today.
A statement by the Prime Minister ‘s Office, received by the agency {Euphrates News}, a copy of it, that Abadi “expressed his deep thanks and gratitude to serve as the religious authority supreme of His Eminence Sayyid Ali al – Sistani, the great and continued support for the fighters heroes and sacrifices those who care in various forms and formations of our armed forces, who made the great epic and brilliant victories over the past three years, the latest victory in the apron city of Mosul, and of being entitled to raise the banner of their victory Bpsahlthm and their blood pure. ”
He praised Abadi, according to the statement, the “call of the religious authority to achieve the peaceful coexistence of social security for the move away from any sectarian conflict or sectarian.”
He pointed out that ” the positions of these historical religious authority positions culminating in defending Iraq and its people, particularly the fatwa Ulkipaia Jihad saved by Iraq and paved the way of victory.”
The supreme religious authority, stressed during his Friday sermon on the words of its representative in the holy city of Karbala , Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Karbalai, the importance of the role of fighters in achieving victories Daesh terrorist gangs.
He stressed that ” the owner of the credit first and last in this great epic that went on to the day three years are the fighters brave various Snovhm and Masimathm of the fight against terrorism, federal police and the forces of the army and the Air Force and Army Aviation and factions of those who care about the volunteers and the sons of tribal thoroughbreds and behind them , their families and their families in the processions of logistical support” .
He stressed Sheikh Karbalai, the “social co – existence as collateral to move away from any sectarian conflict or sectarian, and to save society from the conflict and to achieve coexistence with the other , which is different doctrine and religion and save peaceful coexistence and prevent the community from the dangers of violence which leads to bloodshed and rape taboo” .anthy
