Abadi calls for respect for the election results and declares his readiness to form the strongest government possible for Iraq

Abadi calls for respect for the election results and declares his readiness to form the strongest government possible for Iraq

2018/5/14 18:01

Abadi calls for respect for the election results and declares his readiness to form the strongest government possible for Iraq[Ayna-Baghdad]
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called on citizens and political blocs to respect the results of the elections and abide by the proper legal methods related to irregularities, imbalances or appeals, declaring readiness to build and form the strongest possible government for Iraq.
He said in a televised address to the Iraqi people: “The Iraqis have presented the best image in their defense of their country and their sanctities. Over the past four years, they have overcome the most serious challenges and conquered the impossible. At the same time, they continued their distinguished democratic experience. After facing the greatest existential challenge, Iraq remained strong, And united and kept his banner fluttering fluttering on the land of Mesopotamia, and thus proud and proud and proud of every Iraqi jealous. ”
He added that “since the first day of this government in 2014, we have prioritized the liberation of the land of Iraq and the prevention of expansion to the rest of the provinces, and worked to achieve security and stability and end sectarianism among Iraqis and remove barriers and differences between the people of one people and unite their efforts to face the threat of terrorism and prevent division and loss, Just around the corner “.
“We have endeavored with every effort and dedication to be a strong and respected state in its regional and international environment and to be free of corruption and abhorrent quotas, the priorities that we have given the most important and the most important part of which we have endeavored to achieve the rest of our declared goals with calculated plans and timelines. Iraq and its people. ”
He explained that “today, after the government has completed the constitutional election on time and we were able to conduct the electoral process and complete the security and enable our people to cast their votes, I call on citizens and political blocs to respect the election results and abide by the proper legal methods of irregularities or imbalances or appeals, Security and stability, which is more important than all other gains. ”
“Under the constitution of the Republic of Iraq, we will assume the full responsibility of our country to lead, defend and defend its unity, interests and sovereignty until the formation of the new government, which will take on these national tasks and maintain and strengthen the important achievements achieved.”
“We congratulate all our people and all the winning blocs, especially those in the electoral process, and express our full readiness to work and cooperate to build and form the strongest possible government for Iraq, free of corruption, abhorrent quotas and not subject to foreign agendas, And the country is not drawn to side conflicts. ”
“I salute our armed forces and our security apparatuses, the heroine, who once again succeeded in carrying out their national mission. I salute the souls of the martyrs and salute the wounded wounded who made Iraq his great victory and ask Allah the Almighty to enable the faithful of this country to realize the aspirations of our people and preserve its victory and the sacrifices of its people, .
