Abadi calls for Iraqi refugees in Germany to return
Abadi calls for Iraqi refugees in Germany to return
11.03.2017 11:22
Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, the Iraqi refugees in Germany called for a return to Iraq, adding that the reconstruction has been initiated cities affected by the military operations.
Ebadi said in an interview with the newspaper [Bild] German, ” is in our interest that our citizens back, we do not want our citizens to be forced to leave the country and become refugees, we are re – reconstruction of areas and we want to enable people to live here again.”
In response to a question about whether it was calling its citizens in Germany to return, Abadi “Yes, that ‘s what I’m doing, they have to return, this is in our interest , ” he said.
“The war in Mosul will end very soon, and we got in the western part to the city center almost, very successful operation and the enemy either run away or kill, we erase the entire Daesh gangs of terror, we will eliminate their ideology once disarming control of their capital.”
And the flow on Germany during the past years , hundreds of thousands of refugees , including Iraqis, Haifa , while many of them returned home because they counted on the residence and their conditions in exile.