Abadi al-Maliki will remain in office and threatened to expel the traitors, “Walid al-Hilli, Tariq Najim, Sadiq al-Rikabi”

Abadi al-Maliki will remain in office and threatened to expel the traitors, “Walid al-Hilli, Tariq Najim, Sadiq al-Rikabi”

Posted, 20-09-2015 11:38 PM

Abadi al-Maliki will remain in office and threatened to expel the traitors Walid al-Hilli Tariq Najim Sadiq al-RikabiAre free –

Circulating a number of staff in the Prime Minister’s caution and fear incident was described as (dangerous) took place on Sunday evening when they stormed the Vice President of the Republic article Nuri al-Maliki Prime Minister’s Office Haider Abadi, and heaped upon a stream of threats, demanding the expulsion of three political advisers and described them as traitors and agents of the ( Englishmen) and the Americans. Based on the novels whisper their staff in the Prime Minister’s Office and went reverberate to political circles narrow followed up with concern to the effect that the Vice President of the Republic article Nuri al-Maliki broke into the Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Sunday evening and entered it in a state of intense emotion and closed the door behind him the astonishment and confusion Office officials and staff and exalted his voice threats while the voice of Prime Minister reply to him words he heard (I beg Abu Isra quieter) repeated several times. Quoting the staff of the Office and Prime Minister of the storming operation, which is a precedent in the political field and official work in Iraq, came After twenty minutes of the end of a telephone conversation Maliki with Abadi did not know what house it, but coming this way, wearing (dishdasha white) without procession and escorts with the exception of his car the only driver who accompanied him to the office and remained waiting confirms that al-Maliki came to something important seems to be the call telephone not resolved by. According to what he heard staff who had gathered in the Prime Minister’s Office who are in a state of panic, the voice of al-Maliki Almighty and turned to screams as he addressed Abadi, saying: Look Abu pleased .. if it did not expel Walid al-Hilli and Tariq Najim and Sadiq al-Rikabi and keep them away from your desk thou bear Results Thompskk them will not forgive you that, and went on to say: (I hear Zain .. does not become men of my head) if these three traitors clients did not expel (the English and the Americans) Vznbug on your side! As quoted Prime Minister’s Office, the Abadi employees under the repeating phrase ( Please, Abu Isra quietest) more than once in an attempt to absorb Maliki’s anger, who left the office, which is almost explodes from emotion murmuring words of (market) did not last interview is three or four minutes without showing the Abadi reactions indignant and only contacted his office staff, saying (Forget) referring to conceal what had happened. In the same context recognized sources in advocacy and State of Law Coalition Party, which led by Nuri al-Maliki that the latter began annoyed recently when transporting him and communication activities of political performed by Walid al-Hilli and Tariq Najim and Sadiq al-Rikabi They are the most prominent political advisor to the Chairman of the Board Minister and in charge at the same time leadership positions in the party deputy president of the republic article is believed to be targeted and affect its position. She said those sources that ornaments star and stapes is added to them, Sheikh Abdul-Halim al-Zuhairi meet daily Balebadi and Icharon with him at various events and issues taking place in Iraq, especially since the prime minister issued a special order In the past month, the form of which is termed b (cell crisis) of the four advisers shall discuss the political developments and the latest Mostagdadtha in Iraq and the region, assess and make notes and reports to the Prime Minister about it. The Abadi had entrusted earlier to all of Tariq Najim and Sadiq al-Rikabi and Abdel Halim al-Zuhairi the task of managing the national reconciliation attached body at his office and give them the powers to communicate with political and parliamentary leaders and attend meetings and meetings that require the Abadi, be on the lookout and see them and, most recently visiting star and stapes to Qatar earlier this month and before 48 hours in advance of the Doha Sunni meeting on the Fourth of this month, a visit that disturbed Maliki denounced it.
