“Abadi” agrees on some of the “conditions” of Sadr .. In return for “second term”

“Abadi” agrees on some of the “conditions” of Sadr .. In return for “second term”

2018/26/6 Time of 11: 43 AM

Abadi agrees on some of the conditions of Sadr .. In return for second termFollow-up / Sky Press

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, on the head of the coalition of victory Haider Abadi conditions for the alliance with him and support for the premiership for a second term .

“The prime minister has agreed to some of the conditions set by Sadr in exchange for a second term, including the withdrawal from the Dawa Party,” the newspaper said, “the Iraqi government said,” adding that “the formation of the government practically become clear, But can not be officially announced, only after the official ratification of the parties concerned on the election results. ”

The leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr and Prime Minister Haider Abadi, had announced, the day before Saturday, a political alliance between my list of “victory” and “Asron” according to eight political principles, and called on the political blocs to a meeting leaders to complete the steps to form the next government.
