Abadi adviser denies the withdrawal of the authorization granted to carry out repairs
Abadi adviser denies the withdrawal of the authorization granted to carry out repairs
09/09/2015 11:38 GMT
Baghdad and babysit – denied adviser to Prime Minister Ali Al-Attar, Wednesday, withdraw the authorization granted to the prime minister Haider al-Abadi about the reforms.
He said Al-Attar’s “correspondent public opinion”, that “the Prime Minister is serious in implementing the reforms and the reform initiatives in general package without any exception.” He denied reports that talk about the threat of parliament for the withdrawal of the authorization granted to Ebadi to conduct reforms. “Noting that” there is no official letter in this regard and what is rumored mere statements to the media. ”
Attar noted that “the reformist vision starts not because of the demonstrations, but given the opportunity for public servants as a proxy for these reforms,” PSC / h