A spokesman for al-Sadr told the parliament: Canceling the election results will create chaos

A spokesman for al-Sadr told the parliament: Canceling the election results will create chaos

2018/5/27 11:38

A spokesman for al-Sadr told the parliament - Canceling the election results will create chaos[Ayna-Baghdad]
demanded the spokesman of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Moqtada al-Sadr, to look seriously and justly the demands of the political blocs objecting to the election results, pointing out that it is not the powers of the House of Representatives to cancel or modify those results.
The MP for the Liberal bloc Jafari al-Moussawi said in a statement, “It is not the powers of the House of Representatives to cancel or amend the election results, even if through the legislation of law, but” because we will be here in front of functions far from the concept of legislation and close to the establishment of chaos. ”
He explained, The Electoral Commission to draw the party to appeal and complaints and the mechanism to be followed when the results appear, “noting that” included the allocation of a judicial body of the Iraqi Court of Cassation to consider appeals in accordance with the law. ”
He added that” this body is limited to its role in consideration of what is presented to it does not exceed “He pointed out that” what is done by the House of Representatives a What he wants is to initiate encroachment on the authority of other authorities. ”
“If there is a shortening in the work of the Commission, the House of Representatives accountability in accordance with the law and accounting when evidence and satisfaction is available to the members of the House of Representatives,” pointing out that “the Federal Supreme Court may go into the validity or incorrect results of the elections.”
“The role of the Federal Court is limited under Article 93 / VII of the Constitution to ratify the results of the elections,” he added, noting that “once they abstained, it is a violation of the Constitution.”
“We are with the followers of peaceful legal methods to consider the complaints and violations that accompanied the electoral process,” Moussaoui said, calling on the Independent High Electoral Commission and the judicial body concerned to give serious and fair consideration to those requests and the speed of their resolution in accordance with applicable laws.
He pointed out that Moussaoui’s statement came after several political forces questioned the integrity of the election results. A number of members of the House of Representatives submitted a bill to cancel the results of the elections held on 12 May, in which Sadr’s alliance is sponsored by Sadr.
The parliament speaker, Salim Jubouri, canceled on Saturday an extraordinary session devoted to discuss “violations” in the electoral process because of the lack of quorum and postponed to Monday.
According to the results of the Electoral Commission for elections in Iraq, has won the coalition, “Saroon” won the first place in the parliamentary elections with 54 seats out of 329 parliamentary seats.
