A source close: Maliki’s visit to Iran for the treatment of patients with diabetes, pressure

A source close: Maliki’s visit to Iran for the treatment of patients with diabetes, pressure

2015/11/25 13:16

A source close - Malikis visit to Iran for the treatment of patients with diabetes - pressure[Where BAGHDAD]
source close said of the former vice president Nuri al-Maliki that the latter’s visit to Iran on Wednesday for the purpose of treatment of patients with sugar and pressure.
The source told all of Iraq [where] that “al-Maliki trip therapeutic to Iran include the treatment of patients with diabetes, pressure, and there is no matter of concern”, adding that “health-Maliki good.”
The statement of the Office Maliki received [where] a copy of it yesterday that al-Maliki, He said he would travel to Iran on Wednesday for a visit lasting several therapeutic Ayam.anthy
