A parliamentary source: Chalabi’s deputies asked the “law” for the removal of Maliki government

A parliamentary source: Chalabi’s deputies asked the “law” for the removal of Maliki government

Thursday, June 12th, 2014 14:28

A parliamentary source - Chalabis deputies asked the law for the removal of Maliki governmentBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News .. parliamentary sources confirmed the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday, that the political leaders today demanded the resignation of the government and by implication the resignation of Prime Minister and the formation of a national salvation government of Iraq under the leadership of the security conditions taking place in all regions of the country.
Iraq has been deteriorating security against the backdrop of the extension of militants “Daash” control of the city of Mosul and some parts of Salah al-Din and Kirkuk, prompting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Tuesday (June 10, 2014), to declare a state of high alert in the country, with the failure of Iraqi Council of Representatives to hold emergency meeting on Thursday (6/12/2014 /, to discuss the project, a day before the end of its current session.
The deputy of the state law on condition of anonymity for / Baghdadi News / that “Dr. Ahmed Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National Congress called on members of the state law openly today in the House of Representatives to provide Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s resignation and the sacking of the government to be able to political forces to form a national salvation government to bring out the country from the dangerous security crisis that caused the entry of terrorists into different areas in the country. ”
He added that “Chalabi refused to hold emergency meeting and give the prime minister the authority of emergency was bold in raising the issue of the sacking of the prime minister and his government, and when the query members of the state law about the reason for non-attendance and parliamentarians emergency meeting told them that the solution lies in the resignation of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the formation of a national salvation government able to arrange the security situation and restore stability to the provinces, which saw the sudden withdrawal of the security forces and militants control them without armed confrontation. ”
The source noted parliamentarian said that “Chalabi and other political figures demanded today is clearly not to grant any validity to the Prime Minister and to speed up the declaration of a national salvation government begins in order to hold a national conference and reforms public in accordance with the new mechanisms away losers and corrupt the political process.” Ended 21
