A parliamentary committee: 12 judicial request to lift the immunity of MPs

A parliamentary committee: 12 judicial request to lift the immunity of MPs

11/09/2016 15:34

A parliamentary committee - 12 judicial request to lift the immunity of MPs[Oan- Baghdad]
Commission announced the lifting of immunity in the House of Representatives, on Sunday, the existence of 12 applications from the judiciary, to lift the immunity of MPs, noting that it will submit a report to the Presidency of the parliament deputies names are supposed to lift their immunity.
The head of the committee, Abdul Rahman Alloizi, in a press statement, said that ” the judiciary presented requests to lift the immunity of 12 deputies [did not identify] accused of various crimes [unspecified] , ” noting that ” the Constitution referred to the possibility of lifting the immunity of MP if they committed a felony and some lifting of immunity received from the elimination of related offenses and irregularities requests. ”
He added that” the Commission will submit its report to the presidency of the parliament, after the Eid al – Adha holiday begins tomorrow] concerning the supposed House of Representatives to lift their immunity according to the Constitution, to put the subject of lifting the immunity of MP who refunded mentioned report during the week of the submission of the report. ”
earlier in the form of the prime minister, Salim al – Jubouri, a mini-committee to examine the files submitted by the Iraqi judiciary on the lifting of the immunity of MPs in order of their appearance in front of him.
paragraph b of Article 63 the Constitution Iraqi that “No one may be arrested Lists during the legislative term unless he is accused of a felony and by the approval of the absolute majority of the members, or if caught red – handed in a crime – control.”
