A member of the parliamentary finance reveals the reasons behind the delay of approving the budget
A member of the parliamentary finance reveals the reasons behind the delay of approving the budget
2018/12/16 18:24
(Baghdad: Al-Furat News) A member of the Finance Committee parliamentary Siham Ugaili, on Sunday, the reasons for the delay in the adoption of the General Budget Law for the year 2019.
“The delay of the completion of the ministerial cab does not affect the adoption of the law of the general budget for the year 2019, and the reason for delay in the approval of the low price of a barrel of oil.”
She added that “the parliamentary financial committees and its ministerial meeting met and a number of proposals and observations were submitted to be completed and returned.”
“After the drop there will be a change in the budget, but it will not include salaries that are considered a red line but will include part of the expenses if the drop remains and wait for the stability of the price of a barrel of oil. is over