A member of the Fatah reveals the reality of an agreement to complete the ministerial cab after the Eid and talks about two problems

A member of the Fatah reveals the reality of an agreement to complete the ministerial cab after the Eid and talks about two problems

06.05.2019 14:43

A member of the Fatah reveals the reality of an agreement to complete the ministerial cab after the Eid and talks about two problemsBaghdad today

MP Fath al-Fatah al-Baldawi, on Wednesday (05 June 2019), denied the existence of any political agreement to fill vacant ministries in the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi after the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

“The political consensus has not reached any result so far on the completion of the ministerial cabin in the government of Abdul Mahdi after the Eid holiday,” he said, noting that “it is still very difficult and will take a long time.”

“The failure to complete the ministerial cabin is due to the Sunni-Sunni dispute and the Kurdish-Kurdish dispute over the ministries of defense and justice,” he said.

Earlier, the head of the stream of wisdom, Ammar al-Hakim, on Wednesday, 5 June 2019, called on the government and the parliament to inform the people about what they have accomplished since the parliament and the government took responsibility while criticizing the delay in completing the cabinet cabaret.

“After more than seven months, we are witnessing a clear delay in completing the government formation. Some ministries without a minister, and other ministries that need ministerial reshuffle and sensitive and important positions are still being run by proxy,” al-Hakim said in the Eid prayer sermon in Baghdad.

“Last year, on this blessed day, we called for the need to speed up the formation of the government. We affirmed that our main problem is not in diagnosing reality, but in producing solutions and taking bold and decisive decisions in reform and treatment,” he said.

Hakim wished the government “to ask its people to know what has been achieved, what has not been achieved, and the reasons for not achieving it, and in light of that we will determine our future choices. The choice of the national political opposition is still in place.

“We ask the House of Representatives also for its achievements during the two legislative chapters (in its oversight and legislative role, its regularity and its committees …) and we hope that the people will be informed and informed. The House of Representatives is supposed to be the people’s house and its legitimate representative.”

He pointed out that “the political shortcomings we are witnessing today indicate a real problem in the nature of the current political interactions, but also indicates a significant imbalance in the treatment procedures service in the performance of government, especially as we are approaching the summer of Lahab and still indicators of improvement of electricity below the required level” .

“The policy of throwing the ball in the court of the other is useless in light of the reality and serious challenges. The logic of political justification is no longer convincing to our people, who expressed his indignation and rejection of the outcomes of the political process clearly unequivocal”.
