A leader in the Sadrists reveals another position of Fayadh and “expose” the fishermen (expanded)

A leader in the Sadrists reveals another position of Fayadh and “expose” the fishermen (expanded)

2019/2/14 0:05

A leader in the Sadrists reveals another position of Fayadh and expose the fishermanThe leader of the Sadrist movement, the head of the Committee on Security and Defense of the former governor of Zamili , the last position on the candidate for the portfolio of Interior Faleh al-Fayadh, while documents proved “corruption” against the deputy Kazem Sayadi .
Al- Zamili told the Euphrates News that “the right man in the right place and this is known to everyone, and we saw the success of Fayadh in the presidency of the popular crowd could be a president of life, but will not succeed in leading the Ministry of Interior because it needs firmness.”
He pointed out that “the issue of Fayyad crisis was resolved at the Beirut meeting, and will be the presidency of the popular crowd, and the Ministry of Dakhla put some names to lead.”
Al-Zamili said that ” Kazem al-Sayadi is known for selling land and I have documents on what was allegedly a trumpet that is threatened and intimidated to agree with the parties.” He revealed that he “appropriated 2880 dunums in the city of Kut, the center of Wasit province and put it on behalf of his brother Ali Hussein Ali al-Sayadi, Sayadi did not have the strength of his day and today became the richest man in Kut and cut off water from the peasants, “adding that” the fishermen renewed the seizure by adding another 700 acres to his brother. ”
“The second issue about his brother that he appointed the position of adviser to the governor of investment and the degree of assistant director general of the Investment Authority does not have a certificate of study, and there are arrest warrants for the fishermen and his brother on charges of fraud and extortion and old fake instruments and new arrest warrants,” noting that ” In the seizure of land in Baghdad and appointments of education. ”
Zaidi noted that “the fisherman insisted on being a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee to cover his corruption.”
He added that “all the political blocs are not ideal in terms of performance, but the selection of politicians for most of the elements good,” noting that “I brought to the political body in the Sadrist movement about some of the candidates for parliament,” sending “always Sadrists change in faces and the accumulation of experience is very important, and This change is very important; but permanent change is not 100% positive. ”
The head of the parliamentary security committee said, “I worked and presented and it was a distinguished performance and I was able to work with sincerity and appointed thousands of citizens and also helped thousands. But the opinion of our leadership to move away in this period has a positive side,” adding that “because of the demonstrations that demanded change, And prevent their entry to the elections, “noting,” except MP Magda Tamimi is independent in the mass of Saron. ”
“We expected to get 100 seats in parliament. The Sadrist movement is more affected by the burning of electoral funds. All the elections were rigged and the losing parties today are getting 80 seats,” he said.
“The government’s performance is not ambitious and does not exceed 50 percent. It is assumed, according to the agreement, that there will be a time limit for each minister to draw up a plan for the program,” Zamili said.
He added that “the sale of the terms of the agreements locked and behind the scenes can not be linked to them, either the issue of selling security positions was clear in 2014; but now relieved, but I can not deny sales until the moment.”
And the departure of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr from the political atmosphere Zamili stressed that “the departure of Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr from the political circle as it is contrary to the will and demands of citizens.”
Al-Zamili said that “the meeting of the conquest and the rest came to agree on the independent bodies and the presidency of the parliamentary committees,” stressing that “former Prime Minister Haider Abadi was a special role in a difficult circumstance and succeeded in eradicating terrorism; but did not succeed in eliminating corruption, helped him, but he was hesitant Because of relations and did not resolve the demonstrations in Basra, which almost burned Iraq. ”
He revealed “the existence of recordings from the intelligence agencies proved the intention to mobilize parties after the burning of their headquarters burned the headquarters of the Sadrist movement in Basra;
“I have contacted the security of the popular crowd and swear that the case has nothing to do with the statements he made,” he said. “The issue of his arrest came because of an imaginary headquarters and they confirmed his warning three times to close the headquarters and did not respond.”
In response to a question about the fall of Mosul, al-Zamili said that “Abboud Qanbar and the team Ali Ghaidan are the reason behind the fall of Mosul and were convicted in the fall file are currently being brought in Iraq,” noting that “I completed the most important file in Iraq consists of 175 pages, And I know that he was convicted of a committee consisting of 26 deputies from all parties and signed with me 19 of the 26 deputies did not dare anyone to condemn them, “referring to” turn the file to the judiciary, and the commander of Nineveh operations Mahdi Gharawi is currently being tried in the Ministry of the Interior; Fair trial “.
“The Green Zone was guarded by 16 thousand soldiers from the finest Iraqi army of the Special Division and trainers at the highest level, so the lifting of the green area of ​​the positive side and the special squad headed from Baghdad to Kirkuk,” he said, adding that “the commander of Baghdad operations is afraid of some aspects of security So he dodges the lifting of controls from some areas. ”
He said that “criticism of Bahaa al-Araji of the Sadr movement reflected negatively on him, and my advice not to criticize the current for the demarcation.”
On the corruption deals in the arming of the ministries of defense and interior, al-Zamili explained that “many books have been transformed into the integrity of corruption in the processing and arming of the army and police in the ministries of defense and interior.”
“Six thousand and 500 degrees of career were given to the Salia of peace in the sector of Samarra because they fought since the Fatwa of the reference so far without a salary,” Zamili said, pointing to “the return of 180 thousand security personnel was terminated in the process of the Knights.”
On the presence of US forces and their exit from Iraq, al-Zamili revealed that “in the western region now the presence of US forces is proliferating. It has a base in Ain al-Assad in Al-Anbar. It is large. Now they have started to establish a large base on the Iraqi-Syrian border.” Western “to secure the security of” Israel “, pointing to” an agreement (US – Russian) to be Russia on the Syrian file and America on the Iraqi file and the issue of US-Iranian conflict. ”
