A Kurdish proposal to form a body related to federal imports .. This is disrupting the legislation of oil and gas law
A Kurdish proposal to form a body related to federal imports .. This is disrupting the legislation of oil and gas law
2019/07/30 17:17
Baghdad today – special
The deputy of the Change bloc in the House of Representatives, Kawa Mohammed, on Tuesday, to establish a control of the distribution of federal imports, while attributed the lack of legislation of the law of oil and gas to the differences of visions in the interpretation of some articles of the Constitution.
“The lack of approval of the law of oil and gas, is one of the factors not to resolve the outstanding oil problems between the Kurdistan region and the federal government so far,” Mohammed said in an exclusive interview (Baghdad today).
He explained that “the reason for not enacting this law is the existence of different interpretations of my articles (111 and 112) of the Constitution, which talk about the ownership of oil and gas and the distribution of powers to manage the oil fields.”
He called on Mohammed to “establish a monitoring body for the distribution of federal imports also, which was legislated its law in the previous session of the House of Representatives, in order to achieve justice in the distribution of federal imports between regions and provinces.”
A member of the Committee on Oil and Energy parliamentary, Hassan al-Majid, revealed earlier on Tuesday, the continued refusal of the Kurdish parties to enact the law of oil and gas.
Al-Majid told (Baghdad today) that “the efforts to legislate the law of oil and gas, which has been disabled for 11 years, collide Kurdish rejection,” noting that “the legislation of the law will eliminate all outstanding differences between Baghdad and Erbil.”
He added that “the legislation of the law will be sufficient to regulate the relationship between the oil-producing provinces and the federal government,” pointing out that “the lack of legislation due to a number of political reasons, perhaps the most prominent Kurdish rejection, which wants to keep the existing agreements.”
“Majid said that” joint committees and ongoing dialogues between the region and the Center can not be resolved differences and outstanding issues without legislation of the law. ”
Earlier, the Committee on Oil and Energy and Natural Resources in the House of Representatives on the formation of a joint committee between the federal government and the Kurdistan region to hand over 250 thousand barrels of crude oil per day to Baghdad.
The committee pointed out that “the revenues from the quantities for the previous months will be delivered to the federal government retroactively,” at a time when the capital Baghdad, a new visit to the President of the Government of the Territory Massorur Barzani to activate agreements with the Center on issues of oil and salaries and other issues.
“The two parties agreed to form a committee of the ministries of oil in each of the governments of the center and the region to direct the delivery of 250 thousand barrels of crude oil per day in the region to the oil marketing company (Sumo),” said Amjad al-Aqabi, a member of the committee.
“The province confirmed that the non-delivery of these revenues since the beginning of the year and until now caused by delaying the formation of the government there,” and that “those revenues will be handed over to Baghdad retroactively from January this year until now.”
For his part, expressed member of the Committee, Sadik al-Sulaiti, hoped to end all outstanding problems between the center and the region on the delivery of oil to Baghdad.
Al-Sulaiti said that “the Committee has already hosted the second deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bashir Haddad and expressed optimism about reaching a final agreement on the delivery of oil and marketing through the company (Sumo) after the visit of the President of the Territory, Nezhirvan Barzani and Prime Minister Mesrour Barzani to Baghdad.
Al-Sulaiti said that “the region should take the initiative seriously to resolve this issue as soon as possible, especially if there is full conviction that the region exports more than double this quantity abroad, and that began to affect the share of Iraq, according to the OPEC agreement, The Organization to reduce the export of 250 thousand barrels through the southern fields of the presence of oil source through the region estimated at 580 thousand barrels per day, which will affect the budget, which depends mostly on the export of oil.
The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Parliament of the Territory, Ribawar Babaki, revealed the expected visit of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government pleased Barzani to the capital Baghdad to resolve the outstanding problems between the Center and the region, after the visit by the latter after taking office on July 10.