A Kurdish deputy surprises farmers in areas of Article 140 with shocking news

A Kurdish deputy surprises farmers in areas of Article 140 with shocking news

2019/6/8 16:34

A Kurdish deputy surprises farmers in areas of Article 140 with shocking news(Baghdad: al-Furat News) A deputy of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan announced that the Supreme Judicial Council not to work on agricultural contracts canceled in the areas covered by Article 140 constitutional.
MP Dylan Ghafoor said in a press statement that “the judiciary in Iraq was directed not to work on agricultural contracts canceled in areas covered by Article 140 of the Constitution.”
She pointed out that “the Judicial Supervisory Authority of the Supreme Judicial Council this month directed a letter to the Presidency of the Court of Kirkuk, in which it directed not to work with agricultural contracts canceled in areas covered by Article 140 constitutional.”
Ghafour revealed that “the book issued by the judiciary serves Kurdish peasants in these areas, and stands in the face of parties seeking to work on contracts of expatriate peasants, which had already been canceled under Article 140 of the Constitution.”
