A deputy is likely to issue an arrest warrant against Al-Kazemi soon.. What is Al-Sudani’s position on his corruption?

A deputy is likely to issue an arrest warrant against Al-Kazemi soon.. What is Al-Sudani’s position on his corruption?


A deputy is likely to issue an arrest warrant against Al-Kazemi soon.. What is Al-Sudanis position on his corruptionInformation / special.
Today, Sunday, a member of Parliament, Muhammad Saadoun, suggested that an arrest warrant be issued against former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi soon, and between Al-Sudani’s position on the corruption of the previous government, he expected the existence of many corruption files similar to the “deal of the century.”

Saadoun said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, when he reached the head of the government, was surprised by the extent of corruption rampant in Al-Kazemi’s government, to an unimaginable degree,” stressing that “the head of corruption in the previous government is Mustafa Al-Kazemi.”

He added, “The issue of corruption of the previous government is very large, and we talked about this issue during Al-Kazemi’s presidency, but we did not imagine it in this way,” noting that “the deal of the century may be one of the many deals that took place during the time of that government.”

The member of the House of Representatives explained, “The arrest of the first line in the previous government means that an arrest warrant will be issued even for Al-Kazemi, and this confirms the existence of very large files.”

Saadoun suggested, “There are large corruption files that took place during the previous government, and no light has been shed on them until now.”

Earlier, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Aed Al-Hilali, confirmed that Al-Kazemi had come to power by a stroke of luck, pointing out that talking about his return to politics or finding allies for him is just talk.

Most of those around the former Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received their share of corruption charges after it was proven that they were involved in embezzlement of funds and other corruption projects to steal public money, as the competent authorities are taking action to arrest all those whose involvement has been proven.
