A deputy for Al-Bina announces a breakthrough in the file of naming the Transitional Prime Minister .. New names have been nominated

A deputy for Al-Bina announces a breakthrough in the file of naming the Transitional Prime Minister .. New names have been nominated

01/15 2020 19:24

A deputy for Al-Bina announces a breakthrough in the file of naming the Transitional Prime Minister - New names have been nominatedBaghdad today – special

The construction alliance deputy, Qusai Abbas, revealed on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, that there is a tendency to put forward the names of new candidates for the presidency of the Council of Ministers, indicating that they will be less controversial than the names that were presented in the past.

Abbas said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “the recent crisis that followed the American attacks on the sovereignty of the country, and the ensuing division between the political blocs over dealing with the file ending the American presence in the country led to a crack in relations between the political blocs.”

He added that “this matter had a negative reflection that led to the delay in naming the candidate for prime minister, but in the end this file must be completed.” Noting that “the next few days will produce a political agreement on the nomination of a new candidate more acceptable than the previous names that were proposed.” .

Abbas said that “the names that have been put forward will not be re-nominated again, but rather new names will be presented that are more acceptable and less controversial than the previous one.”

Abbas had said, Thursday 9/1-2020, that his coalition would not accept the passage of a transitional government that did not implement the recent parliament’s decision to remove foreign forces from the country, while he ruled out reassigning the resigned prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, again.

During his hosting of the “A Viewpoint” program presented by Dr. Nabil Jassem, on the “Tigris” channel, he stated that “the division that took place regarding the issue of voting to remove foreign forces in parliament will have repercussions on the shape of the next government,” noting that construction “will not Accepts a government that may not implement the House’s decision to drive out foreign forces. ”

On the controversy over the transitional government candidate, Abbas stressed the need for “consensus and acceptability in the candidate” and said, “We believe that the new candidate will be accepted by the Iraqi street, represented by peaceful demonstrators and a walking alliance.”

Abbas ruled out the reassignment of Abdul-Mahdi as the head of the transitional government, noting that the latter “himself has requested that a new government be formed, in addition to the current situation, that cannot be reassigned.”

He pointed out that “the building coalition has the right to present a candidate for prime minister, but we fear a new movement that rejects any candidate it presents,” suggesting that “a movement to achieve consensus on the nomination of the candidate for the position of prime minister of the transitional government.”

Regarding the calls on social media to come out with massive demonstrations tomorrow, Friday, a member of the Building Alliance in the House of Representatives said: “We believe that tomorrow’s demonstrations will be launched in rejection of the decision to remove foreign forces, and it has nothing to do with the issue of naming the prime minister.”

On Monday (30 December 2019), legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi revealed the possibility of reassigning Adel Abdul Mahdi, to head the government in Iraq in only one case.

Al-Tamimi stated, in a press statement, that “the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 76 of the Constitution, that the Prime Minister-designate of the President of the Republic when he fails in his mission … and resignation is a failure… the President of the Republic assigns another candidate and a new candidate as the text says in the paragraphs above .. and the text did not say neither in this article nor in any other that the President of the Republic reassigns the resigned or failed candidate.

He added: “The Prime Minister can be assigned again for a second session when he finishes his mission and his legal duration of 4 years, even if there is no constitutional text for that. But by analogy with what was stated in Article 77 of the Constitution that defines the term of the President of the Republic with two sessions and that what applies On the President of the Republic ”
