A close friend of Putin: Trump wins the US elections

A close friend of Putin: Trump wins the US elections

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 17:36:47

A close friend of Putin - Trump wins the US electionsOne of the closest friends of the Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he believed that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, but Western leaders are not promoted to the level of Putin. And occupied Sergei Roldugen, a childhood friend of Putin and the spiritual father of the grand daughter, made headlines around the world earlier this year, after being named in Panama leaked papers as an owner of the complex network of offshore accounts. Western media reported that the Panamanian papers indicate that Roldugen, 64, runs a Putin funds. Putin described those reports as “provocation”. Roldugen told reporters in the Kremlin on Thursday, before honoring the President to him: “I know who will win in America. You can be sure of that later. Trump will win.” He added that politicians are shifting once they get to power. He said that Putin Roldugen more impressive leader compared to Western counterparts. He added: “One of the things that I like it always is that it is not afraid to take responsibility. Exposed often heavily criticized but he is not afraid of that and says: Well this is what we have decided. This is decided.” He says, “is not afraid to take responsibility, unlike many Western and American politicians who – to my knowledge – they can not carry themselves to say ‘this is what decided and this is what it would be like it’.”
