A Chinese space station is out of control and heading to Earth

A Chinese space station is out of control and heading to Earth

Posted, 2018/3/24 22:55

A Chinese space station is out of control and heading to Earth[Oan- follow – up]
European Space Agency reported that China ‘s space station “Tyangong -1″ out of control, and is now turning to the ground, foreshadowing an impending disaster, as quoted by the newspaper “Daily Mail” British experts in space, on Friday.
The agency’s space debris bureau said the Tiangong-1 space station would arrive somewhere in the planet’s northern hemisphere between March 30 and April 2.
Earlier estimates suggested that the station, which carries highly toxic chemicals, would enter Earth orbit on April 3 and was likely to fall on New York in the United States and southern European states.
According to experts who follow the station, its descent path can not be predicted precisely, as it can circumvent to hit densely populated cities such as Barcelona, ​​Beijing, Chicago, Istanbul, Rome and Toronto.
The ship carries hydrazine, a chemical that is included in rocket fuel, causes irritation in the eye, throat and dizziness, and can lead to the growth of cancerous tumors.
The ESA said the estimate of the station’s landing time on Earth was “very variable” and that its experts would make the expected appointments every two days.
Forecasts were updated almost weekly until mid-March and are now updated every two days, “the agency’s space debris office in Darmstadt said in a statement.
The Chinese ship weighs 8 tons and a half tons, and experts believe that most of its parts will burn before reaching the ground, but may reach large fragments weighing up to 100 kg.
