US Republican Party Member: Iraq’s Electricity Problem Can Be Solved in 12 Months!

US Republican Party Member: Iraq’s Electricity Problem Can Be Solved in 12 Months!


US Republican Party Member - Iraqs Electricity Problem Can Be Solved in 12 MonthsA member of the American Republican Party considered on Wednesday that the electricity problem in Iraq could be solved within 12 months, while he indicated that the United States would like to cooperate with Iraq, as Ashley reminded his supporters during his talk to Al-Sumaria satellite channel, “There is a decision issued by the White House and this decision says that the exceptions for Iraq to import gas from Iran have been cancelled and this is not an announcement but rather an official decision.”

He added that “the US government will impose sanctions on Iraq if it does not adhere to the agreement with the United States,” stressing that “America loves to cooperate with Iraq and the problem is not Iraq but Iran.”

His supporters pointed out that “Iran’s nuclear program poses a threat to the United States and its partners in the Middle East, and Iraq is not a party to this,” considering that “the Iranian side has many sanctions, and any country that imports from Iran faces sanctions.”

Regarding talk of American pressure on Iraq due to the lack of electricity, his supporters said, “This is newspaper talk and has no importance or value!” He also stressed that “the electricity problem can be solved in 12 months by creating factories that use oil to produce electricity.”

Regarding Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s talk about linking with neighboring countries, his supporters said, “I believe that President Trump does not want enmity with Iraq, its government and people. I believe there are exceptions,” adding, “Talks are underway between the two countries regarding exceptions with Iraq.”

Reports indicated that US President Donald Trump had cancelled an exemption granted to Iraq to import electricity and gas from Iran, as part of a new package of sanctions on Iran, while Baghdad is demanding to be given a chance until 2028 to obtain energy alternatives.

It is worth noting that Iraq relies on Iranian gas to operate power stations, and demand for it increases during the peak of summer, while it obtains an American exemption two or three times each year, to ensure imports from Iran. Despite the sanctions, Iran has “promised” Iraq to provide the quantities of gas necessary to operate power stations, as summer approaches.

The official agency quoted the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali, as saying that Tehran will abide by the contracts signed between the Iraqi government and the Iranian Gas Company, to ensure the continuity of gas supplies, stressing that “70 percent of electricity production depends on fuel,” and he continued: “The Iranian side promised to commit to providing larger quantities of gas as the summer of 2025 approaches.”

The contract between the two countries stipulated the export of 50 million cubic meters of gas in the winter, and 70 million in the summer, but experts and representatives say that they have recorded “Iran’s failure to provide these quantities according to the agreement,” as reported by local media.