Central Bank Renews Directive to Spread and Expand Financial Services and ATMs

Central Bank Renews Directive to Spread and Expand Financial Services and ATMs


Central Bank Renews Directive to Spread and Expand Financial Services and ATMsThe Central Bank of Iraq renewed Sunday, a directive to banks and non-banking financial institutions, to spread and expand their financial services in areas that lack the presence of various services for bank card holders.

The bank said in a statement: “The bank is working within its strategy to provide various services to bank cardholders, by expanding the spread of cash delivery outlets and through all available channels, including ATMs, POC cash payment devices, as well as authorized exchange companies, electronic payment company outlets, and POS electronic payment devices spread throughout Iraq.”

The statement added, “The Central Bank confirms in its circulars that it directed banks and non-banking financial institutions to spread and expand their financial services in areas that lack the aforementioned services.”

He added, “The bank seeks to develop these services by establishing the latest infrastructure for financial products and services in Iraq, and improving them continuously,” calling for “submitting inquiries and complaints, if any, through the following link: complaint.app.cbi.iq/
