Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-19-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-19-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-19-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 It’s not a lop…to subtract zeros from an exchange rate adds value to a currency. To add zeros to an exchange rate, yellow Zimbabwe, reduces the value of the currency…If they add zeros then we are looking at a lop. No where did you see they were adding zeros.

7-19-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …This current Al-Sudani administration is now moving Iraq ahead, yes out of this past rut…It is right in our faces now…The train is racing down the track only to make the necessary stops along the way…It is a hard road for Iraq… There is work to be done…No more “guessing” or “hoping”. The reinstatement spigot is now wide open! It is in our faces!…

7-19-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: …do you think the RV will happen in waves? First Dinar, then a few months later, VND? MarkZ: No, I think they will still…go at the same time.


7-18-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick It’s no secret. The world knows about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. The international world knows about a new exchange rate that is about to come out of this. It’s no secret, everybody knows the Iraqi dinar is about to go up in value.

7-18-2024 Newshound Guru Harlequinc3 Question about the dinar 3-zeros video from 7-17-2024 below: “As I watch the video, it seems their illustration hints on deleting from the currency in such a way that appears they would not recognize the existing zeros and only accept larger denominations with the thought in mind that the additional 3 zeros are no longer recognized.” The CBI will remove 3 zeros off .00076 (1310 IQD: $1USD.) This makes the exchange rate $.76. But almost at the exact same time, they will reinstate their currency internationally to $3.22 (and possibly add inflation for 20 years to it — 20%) up to $3.86. Reinstating it means we can exchange the dinar internationally just like any other currency.

7-18-2024 Newshound Guru Harlequinc3 Think of removing three zeros as literally ‘removing the old currency from circulation.’ That’s all it means. How they do it is entice you and me and Iraqi citizens with an attractive amount. After a certain amount of all that old currency is removed, CBI will up the exchange rate in increments until it hits the rate they want. This is called a dirty float. Most likely after awhile, the CBI will change this to a pure float which is like what you see on regular ForEx, like the dollar does, the Euro does, the pound does, etc. But that won’t matter to you and me because we will have already gotten rid of our dinars and exchanged them for dollars (or whatever currency your own country uses.)

7-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 If you have a 50k note and you live inside of Iraq that 50k note is going to be on a completely different exchange rate. The exchange rate will have value. It’ll be based off the American dollar maybe 1 to 1 or more. When it goes international in a float it’s going to go up and they’re going to cap it and everybody’s happy…

7-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq continues to add to their Maritime Fleet” They have 2 used ships with 5 under construction…this will cost a large amount of money. Iraq has some long term goals. They have not paid for them yet- I believe Iraq is waiting for a change of value for the dinar.

7-18-2024 Newshound Guru Samson “Frustrating results from Iraqi Foreign Minister’s meeting with US Treasury regarding pressures on the Central Bank”

7-18-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy I keep telling people, the WTO will talk about the Iraqi exchange rate but not in the sense that they’re forcing or telling Iraq they have to change their exchange rate. That’s not what they do. They just talk about trade and any hurdles that are between them and trade members. They can point something out, they can make recommendations, but it’s not up the WTO when it comes to the exchange rate…I know people are telling you it’s going to be on July 18th they’re going to change the exchange rate. No they’re not.

7-18-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Today’s exchange rate at 1310 its reciprocal is about .0007633. Drop those three zeros off an exchange rate and you have value to the currency. It’s that simple. It doesn’t make sense to anybody to print new currency as far back as 2018 with new small denominations to not have a reason for value. It just doesn’t make sense to anybody especially when the United States is holding significant portion of Iraq dinar as are other coalition forces…All boats rise with the tide.

7-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 A 50,000 note, they showed you a picture…and then they took a magic marker and they crossed off the 3-zeros on the 50k note…that was a little misleading…Many people saw…the 3-zeros disappear from the currency and they thought I’m going to be left with a 50 note. I just lost a lot of money. No…They’re not going to take your 50K note and cut the zeros out… .00076 | 1320 – These represent the exchange value of the Iraq dinar. .00076 is used by Forex to reflect the 1320 that is on the CBI website…

7-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 It is my hope that the next step of the monetary reform will remove 3-zeros from the exchange rate that Forex is using…After we have lifted the 3 zeros the next step is it goes into a float…as an RI…Then it goes into a re-denomination. It means you got rid of those 3-zero notes… The exchange rate just changed, you now need…the smaller notes because the exchange rate just got really big. Right now the Iraqi notes are big with a lot of zeros because the exchange rate is tiny. But it is about to flip. By removing the 3 zeros from the exchange rate of .00076 you add value to the currency.

7-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I continue to hear that the most likely street rate will be $3.86 …I hope its accurate. We won’t know until we get there.

7-18-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] … well, we’re looking very, very strong right now. The sources we’ve talked to are talking about this going by the 18th, which is Thursday…we know quadrillions of dollars have been moving around…So this is the time which is very serious for us … and be prepared to set your appointment to start Thursday. That seems to be the case…the 18th…Is a date that has been decided on to have this start by.7-18-2024