MP accuses MPs of tampering with budget tables after approval

MP accuses MPs of tampering with budget tables after approval


MP accuses MPs of tampering with budget tables after approvalInformation/Special..
Member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, Moeen Al-Kazemi, accused, today, Sunday, some members of the House of Representatives of tampering with the budget tables after approving them and then sending them to the Council of Ministers, while he confirmed that investigations are ongoing and those who tampered will be held accountable.

Al-Kadhimi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “After reviewing the tables by the Finance Committee and agreeing on them, with the Prime Minister being given powers to transfer 2 trillion dinars to develop the region in the governorates, some numbers were changed before sending them to the Council of Ministers,” noting that “the changes occurred within the House of Representatives and before they reached the government.”

He added that “the Council of Ministers returned the tables to the House of Representatives for the purpose of correction and cancellation of the additions that occurred,” noting that “the Finance Committee is investigating who dared to tamper with the budget tables and how the Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives signed the changes that occurred.”

Al-Kadhimi concluded his speech by saying: “There will be accountability for those who tried to change some numbers in the tables, as they dared to attack the people’s livelihood without the permission of the Finance Committee and the House of Representatives.”

MP Baqir Al-Saadi revealed, on Thursday (July 11, 2024), that the budget will return to the House of Representatives to make some minor amendments to it.