Harassment and discrimination in Davos.. Employees reveal a heavy-caliber surprise
Harassment and discrimination in Davos.. Employees reveal a heavy-caliber surprise
2024-07-01 08:12
Shafaq News/ A group of employees of the World Economic Forum in Davos, on Monday, exploded a heavy-caliber surprise, as they accused its founder, Klaus Schwab, and his management of discrimination and harassment against women and people with dark skin.
The Wall Street Journal quoted this from the records of internal complaints received and interviews conducted with more than 80 current and former employees.
She pointed out that “despite its lofty goals, the World Economic Forum has faced numerous allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and people of color.”
He was “hostile”
She also added that CEO Klaus Schwab was “hostile towards women and people of dark skin” in the workplace.
According to the newspaper, at least 6 female employees were expelled from the forum during pregnancy or after returning from maternity leave, while other women spoke of being subjected to sexual harassment by senior managers, and some of them are still working in the organization.
Three female employees who worked closely with Schwab told the Wall Street Journal that he made lewd comments about them that made them feel uncomfortable.
Internal complaints were also filed after some black people were politically inappropriately treated, and were subsequently fired or denied promotions.
It is noteworthy that the World Economic Forum, which was founded by Schwab in 1971, organizes an annual gathering of world leaders in the fields of finance, economics and politics in the city of Davos, Switzerland, as well as many events and conferences around the world.
The forum usually hosts 50 presidents and more than 2,500 leading figures to discuss global issues and find solutions to challenges during 200 sessions.