Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-15-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-15-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-15-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 They went on televisions and they’re showing us…Rafadin Bank…brought in all of this equipment…It’s in these crates. They’re telling us they are deploying the latest ATM machines in all banks today. They said the next step they would follow up with are the commercial areas…They also said they’re going to release all of these ATM machines in malls and many other locations. They’re saying these ATM machines have the latest technology and are state of the art. FRANK: These ATM machines have the new software…for the lower notes and that’s why the CBI is positioning them for you right now.

6-15-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now the spigot is wide open…the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one…my contact in the CBI told me there is a very high probability that we would see the currency swap out in this month of June and so we watch and wait.

6-15-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] It certainly appears to be the “Perfect Storm” right now…

6-15-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches”

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [vai WiserNow] …one of our sources is saying, come hell or high water, it [the budget]… which contains the rate of the dinar… will be in the Gazette on Saturday… We’re in good shape. We’re ready to go…

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: My bank friend…reminded me…remember back in February of this year when Alaq came out and he talked to us on television and he said, Iraqi citizens the project to delete the zeros still exists. He didn’t say the plan is to LOP our currency. They are two totally different things. We are deleting zeros and adding value. FRANK: I love this because it’s coming from the horse’s mouth, a man of authority who knows what he’s talking about…

6-14-2024 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Floating the currency is the best option but only once they have created a diverse economy that is not dependent solely on oil.

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Wolverine [via Judy Byington] I’ve been told by some very, very high sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days…

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [vai WiserNow] …what we’re getting from, I’m going to call it some of our military sources saying that the notifications for us…are to come out…Friday or Saturday…

6-14-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The black market is going to exist if the United States dollar is less than the Iraqi dinar…There’s not much demand for the dollar now…They’ve got it under control. Is it showtime? I sure hope so.

6-14-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Oil slides to four-month lows as OPEC+ deepens bearish sentiment” If oil prices continue to fall, where is the incentive for Iraq to increase their exchange rate?

6-14-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Iraq’s exit from the list of “high-risk countries” …was officially announced by the International Task Force (FATF) last week. Yes, “the writing is on the wall” now as this is the BEST news…Iraq’s exit from the list of high-risk countries could not get any better. They are slowly clearing the way to the reinstatement, one obstacle at a time…They were not about to release the currency back to FOREX with this in place…WOW! WOW! WOW! news for us today

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Did you see…Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics? This is extremely important part of the monetary reform…They know it’s no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

6-14-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Referencing Mike Bara post below, 6-14-2024] Revaluating? I thought this was important…I had sat down with some bankers who wanted to run through scenarios with me and my currency and train some people. And that was the exact term they used in banking then. It is going to revaluate…Its revaluating. That is the terms the banks use. They do not say RV or that it’s going to revalue. Its revaluating.

6-14-2024 Guest Guru Buckeyetree Iraq continues to transform into the modern era with banking and now fiber optics. With security and stability and safety (banking laws against terrorism and corruption), investors / companies will find a good environment to do business…Praying with the blessings to be realized that this will be in the coming “days” or sooner. Big plans for an improved Iraq and for ministries.

6-14-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq” Quote: “Iraq will be a major corridor for passing the network, not only in the Gulf. But for the countries of East Asia, it will be synonymous with the Egyptian corridor…Iraq has become the focus of attention of countries and major international companies due to the incidents that took place in the Red Sea and the fear of the cessation of communications through this corridor.”

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They told us…due to typo errors in the printing of the budget it will be reaudited and sent back to gazette…after EID holiday…All sound little fishy to us…An Iranian proxy saying budget is under appeal but we see nothing official of that…We trust it is going to be in gazette after EID holiday… FRANK: They know what you are about to receive – your purchasing power. They know it’s going to be extremely difficult for them to steal this value, this currency, so in the last nanosecond, just before Sudani and Alaq present the new exchange rate and the lower notes to you they do everything possible to prevent you from receiving your blessing…

6-14-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Over the last 4-5 days I have received so many calls from people in banking who told me “You are right- they are telling us it is imminent and any moment. We should be seeing it soon – get yourself prepared“.

6-14-2024 Guest Guru Mike Bara [via PDK] I want to say that this is not a rumor. I am not passing on a rumor…I know a guy…he got a call from a High corporate banking official from a major bank. And he said “You know that thing you have been bugging me about for the last 10 years?” (and we all know what it is – it’s the RV) And the banker said “Well congratulations buddy- your dreams are about to come true!”…And the banker said “We just got a memo today, a letter from headquarters informing us to Get Ready Right Now because the Iraqi dinar is revaluating extremely soon. Boom… I don’t know how to evaluate the term “really soon” except to say I think it means in the next 2 or 3 days. We don’t know but, that’s what I think it means.