Rady: America controls oil revenues and delivers them to Iraq by “distillation”

Rady: America controls oil revenues and delivers them to Iraq by “distillation”


Rady - America controls oil revenues and delivers them to Iraq by distillationInformation / Baghdad…
A member of the State of Law coalition, former MP Rasul Radi, confirmed today, Friday, that the American administration controls the Iraqi funds related to oil revenues through the Federal Bank and delivers them to Iraq by “distillation,” pointing out that Washington’s decisions are not strange to Iraq and everything is expected from them.

Radi told Al-Maalouma, “All information confirms that the Iraqi economy is hostage to the US Federal Bank, which controls the most important revenues on which the Iraqi government depends, which are oil revenues.”

He added, “Everything is possible and not surprising from the American administration if it takes an economic decision that harms the interests of Iraq, especially since oil sales revenues are placed in the aforementioned bank and Iraq obtains them through (distillation) when needed.”

He stated that “America has control over the Iraqi funds held by the Federal Bank, which has caused a rise in the dollar exchange rate and the occurrence of some financial harassment in the recent period.”
